Mamoru Mohri

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Mamoru Mohri

Mamoru Mohri
Birth Name Mamoru Mohri
Birth Date Jan 29 1948
Occupation NASA Astronaut


[edit] Personal Data

Born January 29, 1948, in Yoichi, Hokkaido, Japan. Married to the former Akiko Naka of Sapporo, Japan. They have three children. He enjoys snow skiing, tennis, baseball, table tennis, ice skating, scuba diving, squash, aerobics.

[edit] Education

Graduated from Hokkaido Yoichi High School in 1966; received bachelor and master of science degree in Chemistry from Hokkaido University, in 1970 and 1972, respectively, and a doctorate in Chemistry from Flinders University of South Australia, in 1976.

[edit] Experience

Dr. Mohri joined the Faculty of Hokkaido University, Department of Nuclear Engineering in 1975, where over the next ten years he rose to the position of Associate Professor and conducted research in the fields of surface physics and chemistry, high energy physics, ceramic and semi-conductor thin films, environmental pollution, catalysis, and application of spectroscopy to biomaterials. He was involved in Plasma-Surface interactions in a Japanese nuclear fusion project for eight years and has experience working on large scale experimental systems for plasma confinement as well as small devices which he designed and built in his laboratory. In 1980 he was selected to participate in the first group of exchange scientists under the U.S./Japan Nuclear Fusion Collaboration Program which led to the publication of an irradiation damage study of nuclear fusion materials using a linear ion accelerator at the Physics Division of the Argonne National Laboratories, USA. In 1985, Dr. Mohri was selected by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) as a payload specialist for the First Material Processing Test project (Spacelab-J). In 1987, he was appointed as an adjunct professor of physics and worked in the center for Microgravity and Materials Research, at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, for two years where he was concerned with mass spectroscopy of high temperature vapors for space experiment applications. He also conducted microgravity experiments in alloy solidification and immiscible liquid behavior using a drop tower facility at Marshall Space Flight Center and the KC-135 aircraft. Dr. Mohri was assigned as a prime payload specialist on STS-47, Spacelab-J in 1990. This cooperative mission between the United States and Japan, to conduct experiments in materials processing and life sciences, was launched in September 1992. Dr. Mohri performed 43 Spacelab experiments with NASA astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during the 8 day mission. His performance in the space classroom became a popular nationwide event. Dr. Mohri was assigned as the first general manager of the NASDA Astronaut Office in Tsukuba Science City, Japan, established in October 1992. In that capacity he worked as an expert in manned space experiments at NASDA developing the new astronaut office for the space station project. In July 1996, he was selected by NASDA to attend NASA's Astronaut Candidate Training. Effective October 1, 2003, NASDA merged with ISAS (Institute of Space & Astronautic Science) and NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan) and was renamed JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency).

[edit] Spaceflight Experience

NASA EXPERIENCE: Dr. Mohri reported to the Johnson Space Center in August 1996. He completed two years of training and evaluation, and is qualified for flight assignment as a mission specialist. Dr. Mohri was initially assigned to the Astronaut Office Payloads and Habitability Branch where he supported integration of the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) payload for the International Space Station. A veteran of two space flights, Dr. Mohri has logged over 459 hours in space. He flew as a payload specialist on STS-47 in 1992, and was a mission specialist on STS-99 in 2000. STS-99 (February 11-22, 2000) was an 11-day flight during which the international crew aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour worked dual shifts to support payload operations. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission mapped more than 47 million miles of the Earth's land surface. The STS-99 mission was accomplished in 181 Earth orbits, traveling over 4 million miles in 268 hours and 38 minutes. STS-47, Spacelab-J (September 12-20, 1992) was a cooperative venture between the United States and Japan. During the 8-day flight, the crew conducted 44 experiments in life sciences and materials processing. The STS-47 mission was accomplished in 127 Earth orbits, traveling 3.3 million miles in 190 hours, 30 minutes, 23 seconds. PUBLICATIONS: Has published over 100 papers in the diverse fields of material and vacuum sciences. STS-44 also launched at night on November 24, 1991. The primary mission objective was accomplished with the successful deployment of a Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite with an Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) rocket booster. In addition the crew also conducted two Military Man in Space Experiments, three radiation monitoring experiments, and numerous medical tests to support longer duration Shuttle flights. The mission was concluded in 110 orbits of the Earth with Atlantis returning to a landing on the lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on December 1, 1991. Mission duration was 6 days, 22 hours, 50 minutes, 42 seconds. STS-61 was the first Hubble Space Telescope (HST) servicing and repair mission. Following a night launch from Kennedy Space Center on December 2, 1993, the Endeavour rendezvoused with and captured the HST. During this 11-day flight, the HST was restored to its full capabilities through the work of two pairs of astronauts during a record 5 spacewalks. Dr. Musgrave performed 3 of these spacewalks. After having travelled 4,433,772 miles in 163 orbits of the Earth, Endeavour returned to a night landing in Florida on December 13, 1993. Mission duration was 10 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes. On STS-80 (November 19 to December 7, 1996), the crew aboard Space Shuttle Columbia deployed and retrieved the Wake Shield Facility (WSF) and the Orbiting Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (ORFEUS) satellites. The free-flying WSF created a super vacuum in its wake in which to grow thin film wafers for use in semiconductors and the electronics industry. The ORFEUS instruments, mounted on the reusable Shuttle Pallet Satellite, studied the origin and makeup of stars. In completing this mission he logged a record 278 earth orbits, traveled over 7 million miles in 17 days, 15 hours, 53 minutes.

[edit] Organizations

Member of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Surface Science Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, and The Japanese Rocket Society.

[edit] Special Honours

Fifth Kumagai Memorial Award for the Best Science Paper in Vacuum Science (1980). Honorary doctorate degree from Flinders University of South Australia (1991). Special awards from the Prime Minister of Japan, the Minister of Science and Technology of Japan, and the Government of Hokkaido (1992). Diplome pilote-cosmonaute de l' URSS V.M. Komarov and Japan Society of Aeronautical and Space Sciences Commendation for Technology (1993). Special award for Contributions to the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (1994). Distinguished Achievement Award in Space Biology from the Japanese Society for Space Biology, and the Space Engineering Award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (1995).

[edit] Other Information

