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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "10._What's_so_interesting_about_Mercury" retrieved in 0.012 sec with these stats:

  • "10" found 47168 times in 17591 documents
  • "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
  • "s" found 98383 times in 15118 documents
  • "so" found 22422 times in 2814 documents
  • "interest" found 4334 times in 1870 documents
  • "about" found 18612 times in 5560 documents
  • "mercuri" found 2466 times in 1052 documents

Mercury is so close to the Sun that it is rarely observed by telescopes. Amazingly, there is evidence of frozen water ice at the poles in craters that never see the Sun. Mercury ... a higher iron percentage than any other object in the solar system. The core of Mercury is very large compared to the rest of the planet. ---- Answer provided by Laura Peckyno ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - MERCURY
Neptune has a giant storm called the Great Dark Spot (similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot) that is the size of Earth. Also, Neptune has the fastest winds ...
... , and look back and see the Earth in the sky. Mars has some atmosphere, and so the sky there does not look black, like it does on the Moon. ---- Answer provided ...
Venus is the hottest of all planets because of the thick layer of clouds that blanket the planet. The orbit of Venus is the most circular of all the planets; and Venus is the only object, other than the Moon, that can be seen both in daytime and nighttime on Earth. For that reason, it is often called the morning star or evening star. At night, it is the brightest star-looking object in the sky. ...
... WHAT'S AHEAD IN SPACE''' by Various ''New York, 1960: Grosset and Dunlap, 278 pages, $1.95'' ... of Representatives. It consists of a series of predictions by well-known astronautical experts on what the future of astronautics holds for mankind. Among the subjects are the Moon, Mars and ...
... WHAT'S GOING ON IN SPACE''' by Holmes, D. G. ''New York, 1958: Funk and Wagnalls Co., ...
... an elliptical orbit tilted 45 degrees to the plane of the solar system's eight major planets. It is so far away that it takes 560 years for this planet to complete one trip around the Sun. At its most distant point from the Sun, the planet is about twice ...
... feet in diameter and the Japanese laboratory (named Kibo, which means "hope" in Japanese), is about 37 feet long and 14 feet in diameter. As is true anywhere people live, we ... a place to sleep and eat and go to the bathroom. There are also windows so the crew can look out at space or the Earth. There are places to store ... tools on board so they can work on things. A large portion of the ISS is made up of large solar arrays that generate electricity from the Sun's energy. These are ...
... of seconds that one pound of force can be maintained by one pound of propellant. So, Isp is independent of the system of units: metric or English. Isp can be calculated ... about 300 seconds. For LOX/ hydrogen the Isp is about 460 seconds. Nuclear thermal rockets have an Isp of about 1,000 seconds and electric thrusters provide an Isp of 1,000 to 10 ...
... on a non-return trajectory to find out about very distant regions and transmit the information back to Earth so that we can learn about those far-off places. ---- Answer provided by Derek ...

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