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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "14._How_will_the_Sun's_life_end" retrieved in 0.024 sec with these stats:
- "14" found 34199 times in 13430 documents
- "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
- "sun" found 6879 times in 4387 documents
- "s" found 98383 times in 15118 documents
- "life" found 5509 times in 2670 documents
- "end" found 5264 times in 2483 documents
The Sun does not have enough mass to end its life in a catastrophic explosion like a supernova blast. It will expand into a Red Giant phase as a normal part of its evolutionary process ... , making life impossible. Hopefully, humankind will have already left the planet to explore other areas of our own solar system or perhaps worlds beyond. Once this phase runs out of fuel, the Sun will then suffer ...
... back in the 1970s, are only now just getting to the outer reaches of the solar system and may actually cross the heliopause, where the influence of the Sun's atmosphere begins to end. We believe the two spacecraft will cross this outer boundary layer within another decade to become the ...
... greater than eight to ten solar masses will end their existence as a nova or supernova blast. The Sun is too small to end its life in this manner and will eventually become a white dwarf once its core runs out of fuel and it loses the delicate balancing act ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - THE SUN
... the higher dose of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. NASA maintains a complete fleet of Earth observation satellites to study the many systems on Earth so we can better understand the consequences of human activity that could damage our fragile ecosystem on the planet. The more knowledge we have, the more we will be able to understand what we must do to ensure the ...
... a good definition of a planet. A planet is a large object orbiting the Sun, and smaller objects orbiting the Sun are called asteroids or comets or other things. Some people think Pluto is ... is a ball of rock and ice, but that doesn't mean it's not a planet. The Earth is just a ball of rock if you want to think of it ... to what it is. It's a very interesting place.
Answer provided by Dr. John Spencer, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space ...
All life, at least how we imagine it, needs to use some chemical reactions to live. Plants for example use the sunlight to make sugars for their food. Plants breathe in a poisonous ... processes. So space life will likely use some sort of chemical process to live and reproduce.
Answer provided by Robby Gaines
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids ...
... soup. At the same time, it would be much easier to move heavy objects. So we would have to learn a different system of accomplishing tasks.
Answer provided by Dana S. Klein & D. Brooke Owens
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
... The ball will be found to be hot exactly in proportion to its velocity when arrested. Now this is the case with the sun's heat. All the mechanical power employed by man can be traced to the sun. The ... the combustion of the sun is, How is it supplied with fuel? for it cannot dispense light and heat with undiminished intensity unless replenished with fuel. The old theory that the comets are the sun's ...
... will be swallowed up by the expansion of the Sun and all life on Earth will end. The sudden collapse of the Sun from its swollen red giant phase at the speed of light will leave the tenuous outer atmosphere of the Sun intact to form a magnificent planetary nebula that will be left to glow due to the energy provided by the Sun's ...
... the Sun's outer atmosphere on the core. The collapse will initiate a rise in temperature which will then force additional hydrogen surrounding the Sun's spent core to begin fusing into helium which will rapidly elevate the ...
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