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Displaying 1—10 of 20 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "18" found 33393 times in 13330 documents
  • "116" found 322 times in 253 documents
  • "63" found 3169 times in 778 documents
  • "5" found 41230 times in 14703 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... 119 - Flugleistung von Raketen 6S - Fluorkohlenstoffe 5 - Flüssigkeitsraketen, Erste ... 81 - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ruimtevaart 63 - Neptun, Temperatur 24 - ... 18 - Weber-Fechnersches Gesetz 49, 50 - Weltraum, Beherrschung 117 - “Weltraumfahrt” 21, 33 - Weltraumfahrt, Entwicklungsprogramm 42 - Weltraumrecht 116 - Weltraum, Rechtsnatur 116 ...
... --- Editors, publisher, and main office (at) Breslau 13, Hohenzollernstr. 63/65.” (Winkler's home). - “Submissions of the Contributors,” p. ... ), pp. 115-116. - “News Agency,” (includes, “Professor Oberth Speaks in Berlin,” talk of 5 October, “The Rocket ... on other Heavenly Bodies (i.e. The planets),” pp. 18-19. - Hans Grimm, “New from Robert Hutchings Goddard Professor Goddard ,” p ...
... sche Gesetze 35 - Kepler'sches Gesetz, 1. 18 - Kepler'sches Gesetz, 2. ... 112, 113 - Radialgeschwindigkeit 22, 107 - “RAK 52” 116, 117 - Raketen, Elektrische 98 - “Raketenflug” ... 74, 77 - Weltraumstation, Eigengravitation 5, 7, 8 - Weltraumstation, Fliehkräfte 36 ... 63 - Heinlein, Robert, A., Endstation Mond 63 - Pioniere im Weltall 63 ...
... p. 15. note 5 “Quittungen,” Die Rakete, (Donation from Potočnik ), 15 April 1929, p. 63. The work of Noordung ... ), “Vorereitungen,” Die Rakete, 15 September 1929, p. 107. note 18 “Höhere Beiträge und Spenden,” Die Rakete, 15 September 1929, ... des Raumfarhtgedaknes,” Die Rakete, 15 October 1929, pp. 115-116; “Kritische Ecke,” H. Oberth, “Dr. Franz v. Hoefft,” Die Rakete ...
... policies -- of these two traditions. ref 63 More will be said about ... Donald Gurnett, ''Selected Sounds of Space '' (2003-05) 2.5.5. Popular Music Inspired by Space Events ... Weinberger. Wheeling, Ill.: H. Davidson, 1989 note 18 B. F. Skinner, ''Walden Two'' . New ... note 115 Hartman, ''op. cit'' ., 182 note 116 ''Ibid'' ., 176. Among the ...
... satellites. ''(Wit­kin, NYT, 10/18/63, 13; Wash. Post, 10/18/63; N.Y. Herald Tribune, 10/18/63; DOD Release 1396-63)'' B-58 with USAF ... such a plan existed. ''(Space Bus. Daily, 10/21/63, 116; Chic. Trib., 11/27/63)'' Maj. Donald K. Slayton (USAF) one of the ... 2.5 flight, and producing a better aircraft at a price competitive with the Con­corde. ''(Wash Post, 10/17/63)'' Soviet Cosmonauts Lt ...
... "needles" or to any other experiment. ''(NYT, Western Edition, 5/31/63)'' NASA announced award of $97,000 study contract to Sylvania ... transmit it to ground retrieval station upon command. ''(NASA Release 63-116)'' Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., contractor to NASA's Manned Spacecraft ... 15 May 16 1963 16 May 17 1963 17 May 18 1963 18 May 19 1963 19 May 20 1963 20 May ...
... Polytechnique in Paris as Presi­dent for 1963-66. ''(A&AE, 8/63, 116)'' S. Fred Singer, Director of National Weather Satellite Center of U.S. Weather ... Aug 2 1963 2 Aug 3 1963 3 Aug 4 1963 4 Aug 5 1963 5 Aug 6 1963 6 Aug 7 1963 7 Aug 8 1963 8 ... Aug 15 1963 15 Aug 16 1963 16 Aug 17 1963 17 Aug 18 1963 18 Aug 19 1963 19 Aug 20 1963 20 Aug 21 1963 21 ...
... perigee, 115.5-min period, and 74° inclination. Cosmos 449, 1542-km (958.2-mi) apogee, 1485-km (922.7-mi) perigee, 116.2-min period ... would employ defense and aerospace personnel. ''(CR, 10/13/71, S16259-63)'' Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird told Washington, D.C., press ... 15 1971 15 Oct 16 1971 16 Oct 17 1971 17 Oct 18 1971 18 Oct 19 1971 19 Oct 20 1971 20 Oct 21 1971 ...
... 116 mi. and transmitted seven min. of data before impacting 59 mi. down­ range. This was repeat of unsuccessful attempt two days earlier when Aerobee 150A failed on launch. ''(Wallops Release 63 ... . ''(Fleming, L.A. Times, Wash,. Post, 10/18/63, A-3)'' Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D ... 63, 18777)'' October 1963 October Oct 1 1963 1 Oct 2 1963 2 Oct 3 1963 3 Oct 4 1963 4 Oct 5 1963 5 ...

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