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Displaying 1—10 of 295 matches for query "1_Soyuz_descent.mp4" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "1" found 54409 times in 16881 documents
  • "soyuz" found 2829 times in 1190 documents
  • "descent" found 614 times in 385 documents
  • "mp4" found 2711 times in 2391 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

File:1_Soyuz_descent.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video
... html5videoplayer>File:ASTP_soyuz_launch.mp4 Category:Movie Category:Apollo-Soyuz Video Books Live TV From the Moon by Dwight Steven-Boniecki and Live TV From ...
... :Salyut 1MLC.mp4 '''Salyut 1/Soyuz 11 crew and flight footage, and re-entry tragedy including death of crew''' (Caution some viewers might find this disturbing) Image:Salyut1onboard.jpg ''Salyut 1 crew onboard images'' Image:Salyutmodel.jpg 500px ''Salyut 1 model docked to Soyuz model (August 1971)'' Category:Movie Category:The Michael Lennick ...
File:Salyut 1MLC.mp4 '''Salyut 1/Soyuz 11 crew and flight footage, and re-entry tragedy including death of crew''' (Caution some viewers might find this disturbing) Category:Movie Category:The Michael Lennick Collection Category:Mission
... >File:Voskhod 1 and 2MLC.mp4 '''Voskhod 1 and 2 preflight and flight footage including Aleksei Leonov Voskhod 2 spacewalk''' File:Korolev2MLC.mp4 ''' Sergei Korolev clips (ca. 1965) including Voskhod 1 crew ...
File:Project Mercury- Mercury-Redstone 1 Launch - 1960.mp4 Category:Movie
File:69-07-20_Apollo_11_Tape_2_begin_descent.wav.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 11 Audio
File:Apollo10690522-1005700-1013000_Descent_Phase.wav.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 10 Audio
File:Apollo10690522-1013000-1014400_Descent_Phase.wav.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 10 Audio
File:69-11-18-Apollo12-Prep for descent-108.48.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 12 Audio

Additional database time was 0.033 sec.

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