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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—2 of 2 matches for query "" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:
- "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
- "145" found 218 times in 202 documents
- "77" found 1552 times in 663 documents
- "236" found 110 times in 102 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... 38
Jucker, Walter, Lehrer, Guteswil bei Uster, Kt. Zürich-Schweiz
Kahle, Bernd, stud. ing., Stuttgart S., Lehenstr. 18
Kamm ... 145
Nagel , Manfred, cand. ing., Ludwigsburg, Solitüdestr. 26
Neubeck, Erich, Koln-Braunsfeld, am Morsdorfer Hof 3
Neuhauser, Rudolf, ing., Stuttgart, Eberhardstr. 10
Niemeyer, Werner, Hamburg 19. Osterstr. 2
236 ...
... ''( Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC SSR, 4/30/70; SBD, 4/20/70, 236)''
Nike-Tomahawk sounding rocket was launched by NASA from Churchill Research Range , ... second burn was not required. S-IVB /IU hit lunar surface at 77:57 GET (8:10 pm EST April 14) at 259 m per ... April 15-17: MCC-5 at 145:19 GET, by 15-sec Lunar Module LM DPS burn, decreased velocity by 2.3 m per sec (7.5 fps ...
Additional database time was 0.011 sec.
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