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Displaying 1—10 of 18 matches for query "64_VAB_opening_tour.wav.mp4" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:
- "64" found 3738 times in 973 documents
- "vab" found 83 times in 58 documents
- "open" found 3208 times in 1828 documents
- "tour" found 1096 times in 737 documents
- "wav" found 1351 times in 1231 documents
- "mp4" found 2711 times in 2391 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
File:64 VAB opening tour.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
File:69-08-04_James_Van_Allen_Grand_Tour_Interview.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
... wav.mp4
'''Click here to listen to Apollo 11 Translunar Injection VOA coverage'''
File:69-07-16_Apollo_11_TLI.wav.mp4 ... -point coordinates were approximately 23.5°E and 0.64°N and site altitude was approximately 8,600 ft ... earlier than originally scheduled.
After post landing checks, Armstrong opened Lunar Module LM hatch, descended Lunar Module LM ladder ...
... first successful radar probes of Saturn, using NASA's 64-m (210-ft) antenna at Goldstone Station, ... ComSatCorp PIO)''
The U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences opened its Annual General Meeting in Moscow. Academy President Mstislav ... wav.mp4
Dr David Strangway (JSC), Dr Gerald Wasserburg (Caltech), Dr Gary Latham (University of Galveston)
File:73-03-05-LSC-PC2.mp4 ...
... and levels of effort for the next decade an open question. ''(Pres Rpt 70 69 ; A&A 69)''
In ... and U.K. International highlights in 1969 included around-the-world tour of Apollo 11 astronauts to dramatize conviction that successful ... NASA.'''
Category:Almanac Audio 1968 1969 January 1969 ...
Category:Almanac Audio 1968 1969 January 1969 ...
... , 496-km (308.2mi) perigee, 711.0-min period, and 64.9° inclination. ''( Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC SSR, 7/31/ ... would detect abnormal conditions and computer would weigh considerations before opening appropriate escape exits. Patent No. 3,456,445 was issued ... '''
July 1969 July
Jul 1 1969 1 Jul 2 ...
... Allen interview on this day about Grand Tour'''
Scientists at Lunar Receiving Laboratory opened last box of Apollo 11 lunar samples ...
... presented Borman with model of Vostok I , first manned spacecraft. Later Borman toured major space tracking station at Eupatoria near Yalta in Crimea. ''(AP, W ...
'''Click here to listen to Apollo 10 highlights part 3 May 1969'''
April 1969 ...
... an official year-end report from NASA for 1964.
Boeing Co. was named systems integration contractor for NASA's ... , which will indicate the possible characteristics and availability dates of propulsion systems." ''(A&A, 12/64, 22-28)''
In the British Interplanetary Society 's Spaceflight, Brian J. Ford suggested ...
In the British Interplanetary Society 's Spaceflight, Brian J. Ford suggested ...
... _12_PAO_launch.wav.mp4
'''Click here to listen to the Apollo 12 TLI Burn VOA Coverage'''
'''Click here ... Command Module CM Yankee Clipper, reported sighting Surveyor III and Intrepid on moon.
Conrad opened Lunar Module LM hatch at 115:11 GET, descended Lunar Module LM ladder, and ...
Additional database time was 0.043 sec.
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