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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Fossum,_Michael_E." retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "fossum" found 83 times in 34 documents
  • "michael" found 1464 times in 1089 documents
  • "e" found 6413 times in 4071 documents

REDIRECT Michael E. Fossum Category:Astronaut-Cosmonaut
... ; title = Michael E. Fossum titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_fossum.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Michael E. Fossum captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Michael E. Fossum header3 = label3 ...
... Infobox bodystyle = float:right; valign:top; title = Michael E. Lopez-Alegria titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_lopez.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Michael E. Lopez-Alegria captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Michael E. Lopez-Alegria header3 = label3 = Birth ...
REDIRECT Michael E. Lopez-Alegria Category:Astronaut-Cosmonaut
REDIRECT Michael E. Fossum
REDIRECT Michael E. Fossum
... Chapter 25 ''' '''Efficient, Affordable Explorations Operations: Crew Centered Control via Operations Infrastructure ''' '''By Thomas E. Diegelman, Richard E. Eckelkamp and David J. Korsmeyer ''' A significant challenge facing NASA's new explorations initiative ... Ma, 1997, ISBN 0-201-57051-3 (11) Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage, The Free Press / Simeon & Schuster, New York, New York, 1985 (12) T. E. Diegelman "Mission Operations Infrastructure", November 2000, Aerospace ...
REDIRECT Michael E. Lopez-Alegria
... .pdf (9) Robert Spearing and Michael Regan, "Space Communications Capability Roadmap Interim Review", presented to the National Science Foundation, March 24, 2005 (10) June Zakrasjek and Richard E. Eckelkamp, "Human Exploration Systems ... , 2003 (17) Bruce E. Duffield, "Advanced Life Support Technologies List, Lockheed Martin memo HDID-2G42-1130 to Crew and Thermal Systems, JSC, June 24, 1999 (18) Conversations with Michael N. Rouen, Crew ...
... = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Michael J. Smith header3 = label3 = Birth Date data3 = Apr 30 1945 header4 = label4 = Birth ... of spacecraft commander, Mr. F.R. Scobee, three mission specialists, Dr. R.E. McNair, Lieutenant Colonel E.S. Onizuka (USAF), and Dr. J.A. Resnik, and two ...

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