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Displaying 1—10 of 881 matches for query "Quillinan,_J.H._-_Patents" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "quillinan" found 3 times in 2 documents
  • "j" found 5322 times in 2783 documents
  • "h" found 5172 times in 3064 documents
  • "patent" found 1369 times in 747 documents

Media:Quillinan us003229936-001.pdf Forming a Shield on a Reentry Body in Spac Patent US-3229936 Category:Publications Category:Patent
... :right; valign:top; title = Walter "Papa" Riedel titlestyle = image = Image:Papariedel1942.jpg imagestyle = caption = Walter J.H. Riedel circa 1942 captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 ... HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM 22 Sept 93 note 5 Ein Kapitel Raketengeschichte der neueren Zeit - W.H.J. Riedel ( Weltraum Fahrt Jahrgang 1953 Weltraumfahrt July 1953) note 7 Reminiscences of German Rocketry - Wernher ...
Media:Mohar us003053476-001.pdf Space Vehicle Patent US-3053476 Media:Mohar us003237885-001.pdf Space Craft Patent US-3237885 Category:Publications Category:Patent
Media:Fry_US003380204.pdf Axially Projectable Stem Device Media:Taylor US003243132.pdf Extensible Retractable Stem Device Patent US-3380204 Patent US-3243132 Category:Publications Category:Patent
Media:Good us003227397-001.pdf Roll Rate stabilization system for outer space vehicle Patent US-3227397 Category:Publications Category:Patent
Media:Lindberg us003255698-001.pdf Nose Cone Cooling for Space Vehicles Patent US-3255698 Category:Publications Category:Patent
Media:Moise us003232560-001.pdf Recoverable Space Vehicle Patent US-3232560 Category:Publications Category:Patent
Media: Czerwinski US003167016.pdf Rocket Propelled Missile Patent US-3167016 Category:Publications Category:Patent
... what now had to be done under the greatest secrecy. As for the Nebel, Rudolf - Patents patent granted jointly to Riedel and Nebel in 1931, again, this specification was rather basic and ... , it is true that later, on 2 July 1937, the Army did purchase the same patent for some 75,000 RM (then $ 30,000) to be paid jointly to Nebel and ... -104; Ley, ''Missiles, Rockets'', pp. 203-204. For coverage of the rocket work of Walter J.H. Riedel and Arthur Rudolph at the Heylandt Company from early 1930 as well as their ...
... patent. According to the German Patent Office's ''Patentblatt: Herausgegeben von der Kaiser. Patentamt'' for 1893, Petersen had two representatives in Germany at the time, Alexander Specht and J ... Associated Patents ---- 19th Century German Reaction Engine Patents August Winkler, British patent No. 11,158 of 19 September 1885 Bales, H.H. - Patents Haden Herbert Bales, U.S. patent No. ...

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