Mar 13 1963

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First stage of Saturn SA-5 vehicle was static-fired in 142.-sec. test at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Eight-engine cluster was fired at full thrust of 1.5 million lbs. (Huntsville Times, 3/14/63)

USAF announced launch of space probe using Blue Scout, Jr., booster from Pt. Arguello, Calif. (M&R, 3/18/63,11)

RELAY I communications satellite, its power supply voltage and temperature returned to normal, responded to command sig-nals turning on its telemetry transmitter and encoder. NASA planned to resume normal experimental operations with the satel-lite March 14. RELAY I had been turned off because of severe power drain encountered March 9. (NASA Release 63-56)

Results from ALOUETTE I topside sounder satellite were dis-cussed at Goddard Scientific Satellite Symposium, held by NASA in Washington, D.C., Data from ALOUETTE showed that ionosphere is usually rough in high latitudes and smooth in lower latitudes, and that electron temperature of ionosphere increases with latitude. This evidence indicated Van Allen radiation belts, which extend to lower altitudes at higher latitudes, possibly are secondary heat source for ionosphere. Where ionospheric and radiation particles collide, ionospheric temperatures rise and F layers of ionosphere become more spread apart-causing radio waves to scatter. (AP, Balt. Sun, 3/14/63; Av. Wk., 3/25/63, 26)

At Goddard Scientific Satellite Symposium, results from ARIEL I scientific satellite were presented. Data from ARIEL confirmed ionospheric temperature relationship with latitude as detected by ALOUETTE I. Solar x-ray detectors found solar flares are made up of two phases-(1) heating of sun's corona above sunspot, in-creasing x-ray flux by factor of 10; and (2) quiet period marked by flux leveling off at accelerated level, followed by streams of electrons pushed into chromosphere, causing x-ray emissions al 500 times greater than normal. (Av. Wk., 3/25/63, 26)

Dr. George L. Simpson, NASA Assistant Administrator for Technol-ogy Utilization and Policy Planning, addressed the National Security Industrial Association Research and Development Sym-posium, March 13,1963, Washington, D.C. "In speaking of spin-off and in looking for applications of NASA's research and development effort to the economy, we are becoming increasingly aware that we are talking about processes as well as products. Many of the useful advances will be made in extending present processes to new and more demanding uses, as well as in the establishment of higher levels of reliability and in the organization of systems." (Space Quotes, 9/15/63)

Use of helium-neon gas laser for transmitting television pictures was demonstrated by scientists of North American Aviation's Space and Information Systems Div. Terming the development a "breakthrough," scientists said new system using one-inch-cube, four-pound modulator could send TV pictures from deep in space and its pictures could not be tapped by outsiders. (UPI, Wash. Post, 3/13/63)

Reported that Commerce Dept. was seeking initial $8.7 million appropriation for Civilian Industrial Technology Program to aid lagging U.S. business. (Wall Street Journal, 3/13/63)

Mar 14 1963