Jun 25 1963

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X-15 No. 1 was flown by NASA pilot Joseph Walker to 3,911 mph (mach 5.51) and 111,800 ft. at Edwards AFB, Calif. During the flight a new measuring instrument., the traversing probe, popped in and out of the wing, measuring the whole profile of boundary layer over surface of the X-15. Surface temperature rose to 1,000° during the flight, the 86th for the X-15. (UPI, Chic. Trib., 6/26/63; NASA Hq.)

U.S.S.R.'s most recent cosmonauts, Jr. Lt. Valentina V. Tereshkova and L/Col. Valery Bykovsky, held press conference in Moscow. Both insisted that, tandem flight had gone off according to schedule, both as to duration and maneuvers. Lt. Tereshkova, the first woman into space, added another fact to her official biography-that she had had pilot training prior to entering the space program. (N.Y. Herald Trib., 6/26/63 )

House Committee on Science and Astronautics began full committee hearings on proposed NASA budget for FY 1964 and authorized expenditure of $3.9 million for NASA proposed electronics research center. However, Committee deleted references to Boston area as site in FY 1964 budget authorization and also directed NASA to first undertake detail study of "geographic location, the need for, and the nature of the proposed center." (NASA Leg. Act. Rpt. 11/95; Quincy (Mass. Patriot-Ledger, 6/25/63; Boston Traveler, 6/26/63)

NASA announced receiving from eight nationally known artists 60 sketches made during Astronaut Cooper's MA-9 mission under NASA Artists' Cooperation Program. Sketches were preliminary to finished paintings, which would be exhibited and from which reproductions would be made. MA-9 was first event which NASA invited artists to cover; other NASA activities of historic interest would be recorded by artists. (NASA Release 63-140)

Langley Research Center issued invitations to bid to 39 contractors for construction of the laboratory building of the NASA Space Radiation Effects Laboratory at Newport News, Va. With cost of the laboratory building estimated at $3 million, this is the last major contract to be awarded for the $12.3 million facility. (LARC Release)

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