Contents of Spaceflight Magazine Volume 21

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Title Co-Authors Page
Concrete Space Colonies D Dr. D. J. Sheppard 3
And Lesser Moons Have Smaller Moons Anthony T. Lawton 8
Survival – of What and Why? G. W. Wood 9
Where Ale They Now? David J. Shayler 11
TIROS-N Weather Satellites 14
Black Holes and Globular Clusters 15
The Cosmonauts – 14 Gordon R. Hooper 17
Space Exhibits in the U.S. Air Force Museum Andrew Wilson 18
29th IAF Congress – 2 L.J. Carter 25
Space Report 29
Society News 39
Satellite Digest – 122 Robert D. Christy 41
Correspondence 44
Transit – The First Navigational Satellite System G. Richards 50
The Splav 01 Furnace Wilhelm Hempel 56
Society News 57
The Cosmonauts – 15 Gordon R. Hooper 60
Astronomical Notebook J. S. Griffith 61
Space Report 66
1928-1929 Forerunners of the Shuttle: The 'von Opel Flights' Frank H. Winter 75
29th I.A.F. Congress – 3 L. J. Carter 84
Satellite Digest – 123 Robert D. Christy 91
Book Reviews 93
Correspondence 95
VOLUME 21 NO. 3 MARCH 1979
A Classification of Soyuz Variants Nicholas L. Johnson 99
Soviet Spaceborne Radiotelescope Project Boris Belitsky 106
Appointment with Jupiter 108
MKF-6 Multi-spectral Camera in Space Wilhelm Hempel 110
A Ticket to Space Curtis Peebles 113
The Many Shades of the 10th Planet Anthony T. Lawton 115
Where Are They Now? David J. Shayler 124
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 127
Space Report 134
Satellite Digest – 124 Robert D. Christy 139
Correspondence 140
Book Reviews 142
Society News 143
VOLUME 21 NO. 4 APRIL 1979
International Space Hall of Fame 147
Astronomical Notebook J. S. Griffith 153
The Cosmic Blackbody Radiation: A Potential Guide to Interstellar Signal Beacons? Robert Sheaffer 155
Second High Energy Astronomy Observatory 156
Where Are They Know? David J. Shayler 159
B.I.S. Membership Application 167
Forms 170
Space Report 171
Society News 176
The Salyut 6 Space Station Neville Kidger 178
Satellite Digest – 125 Robert D. Christy 184
Correspondence 186
Book Reviews 190
VOLUME 21 NO. 5 MAY 1979
Earth Gets a Halo 195
Getaway Specials Chester M. Lee 197
Space Report 203
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 216
Space Memorabilia L. J. Carter 223
Society News 227
BIS Committees 229
Satellite Digest - 126 Robert D. Christy 233
Book Reviews 234
Correspondence 237
VOLUME 21 NO. 6 JUNE 1979
A Review of British Space Prospects P. J. Conchie 243
Manned Manoeuvring Unit Dave Dooling 252
Four-Planet Meteorology Staff of NASA 255
Soyuz Missions to Salyut Stations Phillip S. Clark 259
Cosmonaut – A Combination of Pilot and Scientist Wilhelm Hempel 264
NASA in 1978 265
Living in Space Stations Interview with Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin by Mario Mutschlechner 271
Space Report 275
Satellite Digest – 127 Robert D. Christy 282
Correspondence 283
VOLUME 21 NO. 7 JULY 1979
Visit to PERME L. J. Carter 285
One Giant Leap' – 10 Years After! 291
Space and Superpower Rivalry 1957-1979 Andrew A. Thomson 292
India's Earth Resources Satellite H. P. Mama 300
Operation Morninglight Gerald L. Borrowman 302
Britain Probes the High-Energy Universe 308
Space Report 309
Astronomical Notebook J. S. Griffith 316
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 318
34th Annual General Meeting 325
The Report of the Council 327
Shuttle Abort Procedures 329
Satellite Digest – 128 Robert D. Christy 331
Space Affairs 332
Correspondence 334
VOLUME 21 NOS. 8-9 AUGUST 1979
FIRST MEN ON THE MOON 10th Anniversary letter to the Society from Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot Michael Collins 338
The NASA Budget - Fiscal Years 1979-80 David Baker 339
Kilowatts for the Space Shuttle Dave Dooling 349
Images of Space Gordon L. Harris 351
Missions to Salyut 6 Gordon R. Hooper 359
The Military and Civilian Salyut Space Programmes Nicholas L. Johnson 364
Salyut 6 Manoeuvres A. J. Driver and G. E. Perry 371
Space Report 372
Space Affairs 378
Satellite Digest - 129 Robert D. Christy 380
Know Your Council 381
Society News 382
Correspondence 384
Space and Public Policy Dr. Alan M. Lovelace 387
Science and Extraterrestrial Colonies David G. Stephenson 391
Demeter: Island in Space Dr. Frank D. Hess 393
The Direction of Interstellar Exploration A. W. Orme 397
The British Interplanetary Society 1933-1979 G. V. E. Thompson 402
Space Centre in Vauxhall Eric Waine 409
Delta Digest Andrew Wilson 413
The Cosmonauts - Part 16 G. R. Hooper 419
Space Report 420
Satellite Digest – 130 Robert D. Christy 424
Book Reviews 426
Know Your Council 429
Correspondence 430
The Origins of the U.S. Space Shuttle - 1 Curtis Peebles 435
The Intercosmos' Cosmonauts Wilhelm Hempel 442
The Last Day of the Old World Jesco yon Puttkamer 443
Scout - NASA's Small Satellite Launcher Andrew Wilson 446
Space Report 460
Space at East Fortune Alan Lawrie 465
Astronomical Notebook J. S. Griffith 470
Satellite Digest - 131 Robert. D. Christy 472
Society News 474
Space Affairs 475
Correspondence 476
Stepping Out K. T. Wilson 482
The Origins of the Space Shuttle - 2 Curtis Peebles 487
A Long-Term Policy for Europe 493
The Remote Manipulator System Gerald L. Borrowman 495
Space Report 497
America's Twenty-Year Astronaut Dayid J. Shayler 500
Towards Cities in Space Tim Hassall 504
Space and the U.S. Air Force General Alton D. Slay 513
Scientific Instruments on Military Satellites Joel Powell 516
The Prospect of Soviet Orbital Construction in the Summer of 1977 Nicholas L. Johnson 518
The Mystery of Luna 10 and Luna 11 Phillip S. Clark 520
Satellite Digest - 132 Robert D. Christy 521
The Reluctant Shuttle Gordon L. Harris 521
Special Meeting Honours Captain Freitag 523
Book Review 524
Index Vol. XXI 1979 i-iv