ISS Acronyms

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RobertG (Talk | contribs)
(New page: {| border="1" |'''Acronym''' |'''Definition''' |- |1P |Progress flight |- |1S |Soyuz flight |- |AC |Assembly Complete |- |ACU |Arm Control Unit |- |ARC |Ames Res...)
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Revision as of 08:16, 30 May 2014

Acronym Definition
1P Progress flight
1S Soyuz flight
AC Assembly Complete
ACU Arm Control Unit
ARC Ames Research Center
ARIS Active Rack Isolation System
ATCS Active Thermal Control System
atm Atmospheres
ATV Automated Transfer Vehicle, launched by Ariane [ESA]
ATV-CC Automated Transfer Vehicle Control Centre
BCA Battery Charging Assembly
BCDU Battery Charge Discharge Unit
BSA Battery Stowage Assembly
CBM Common Berthing Mechanism
CC Control Center
CCAA Common Cabin Air Assembly
CCC Contaminant Control Cartridge
CDRA Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly
CETA Crew and Equipment Translation Aid/Assembly
CEV Crew Exploration Vehicle
CEVIS Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation System
CHeCS Crew Health Care System
CMG Control Moment Gyroscope
CMRS Crew Medical Restraint System
CMS Countermeasures System
CNES Centre National D’Études Spatiales [French space agency]
COF Columbus Orbital Facility
COL-CC Columbus Control Centre
COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services
CPDS Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer
CRPCM Canadian Remote Power Controller Module
CSA Canadian Space Agency
CTB Cargo Transfer Bag
CWC Contingency Water Container
DC Docking Compartment;
Direct Current
DCSU Direct Current Switching Unit
DDCU DC-to-DC Converter Unit
DDT&E Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation
DLR German Aerospace Center
DMS Data Management System
DOS Long-Duration Orbital Station [Russian]
EADS European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
ECLSS Environmental Control and Life Support System
ECS Exercise Countermeasures System
ECU Electronics Control Unit
EDR European Drawer Rack
EDV Water Storage Container [Russian]
EF Exposed Facility
EHS Environmental Health System
ELC Express Logistics Carrier
ELM Experiment Logistics Module
EMU Extravehicular Mobility Unit
EPM European Physiology Module
EPS Electrical Power System
ERA European Robotic Arm
ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Research and Technology Centre
ETC European Transport Carrier
EVA Extravehicular Activity
ExPCA EXPRESS Carrier Avionics
EXPRESS Expedite the Processing of Experiments to the Space Station
FGB Functional Cargo Block
FRAM Flight Releasable Attachment Mechanism
FRGF Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture
FSA Roscosmos, Russian Federal Space Agency
FSL Fluid Science Laboratory
GASMAP Gas Analyzer System for Metabolic Analysis Physiology
GB Gigabyte
GCM Gas Calibration Module
GCTC Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
GN&C Guidance, Navigation, and Control
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System [Russian]
GPS Global Positioning System
GRC Glenn Research Center
GSC Guiana Space Center
HMS Health Maintenance System
HRF Human Research Facility
HTV H-II Transfer Vehicle [JAXA]
IBMP Institute for Biomedical Problems
ICC Integrated Cargo Carrier
ICS Internal Communications System
IEA Integrated Equipment Assembly
IRU In-flight Refill Unit
ISPR International Standard Payload Rack
ISS International Space Station
ITA Integrated Truss Assembly
ITS Integrated Truss Structure
IV-CPDS Intravehicular Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer
JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
JEM Japanese Experiment Module
JEM-ELM Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module
JEM-ELM-EF Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module-Exposed Facility
JEM-ELM-ES Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module-Exposed Section
JEM-ELM-PS Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module-Pressurized Section
JEM-PM Japanese Experiment Module-Pressurized Module
JEM-RMS Japanese Experiment Module-Remote Manipulator System
JSC Johnson Space Center
kgf Kilogram Force
kN Kilonewton
KSC Kennedy Space Center
lbf Pound Force
LF Logistics Flight
LiOH Lithium Hydroxide
LSS Life Support Subsystem
Mb Megabit
MBS Mobile Base System
MBSU Main Bus Switching Unit
MCC Mission Control Center
MDM Multiplexer-Demultiplexer
MELFI Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS
MGBX Microgravity Science Glovebox
MLE Middeck Locker Equivalent
MLM Multipurpose Laboratory Module
MMOD Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris
MMU Mass Memory Unit
MOC MSS Operations Complex
MPLM Multi-Purpose Logistics Module
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSS Mobile Servicing System
MT Mobile Transporter
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAVSTAR Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging [U.S. satellite]
NPO Production Enterprise [Russian]
NTO Nitrogen Tetroxide
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
OMS Orbital Maneuvering System
OGS Oxygen Generation System
ORU Orbital Replacement Unit
OVC Oxygen Ventilation Circuit
P1, P6, etc. Port trusses
PCAS Passive Common Attach System
PDA Payload Disconnect Assembly
PDGF Payload Data Grapple Fixture
PLSS Primary Life Support System
PM Pressurized Module
PMA Pressurized Mating Adapter
POC Payload Operations Center; Primary Oxygen Circuit
PROX OPS Proximity Operations
PSA Power Supply Assembly
PSC Physiological Signal Conditioner
PTCS Passive Thermal Control System
PVGF Power Video Grapple Fixture
PVR Photovoltaic Radiator
RED Resistive Exercise Device
RGA Rate Gyro Assembly
RM Research Module
RMS Remote Manipulation, Manipulator System
RPC Remote Power Controller
rpm Revolutions Per Minute
ROEU-PDA Remotely Operated Electrical Umbilical-Power Distribution Assembly
RPCM Remote Power Controller Module
RSC Rocket and Space Corporation
RV Reentry Vehicle
S&M Structures and Mechanisms
S0 or S Zero, Starboard trusses S1, etc.
SARJ Solar (Array) Alpha Rotation Joint
SAFER Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue
SASA S-Band Antenna Structural Assembly
SAW Solar Array Wing
SFOG Solid Fuel Oxygen Generator
SFP Space Flight Participant
SGANT Space-to-Ground Antenna
SM Service Module
SPDM Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator
SS Space Shuttle
SSA Space Suit Assembly
SSIPC Space Station Integration and Promotion Center
SSRMS Space Station Remote Manipulator System
SSU Sequential Shunt Unit
STS Space Transportation System
TCS Thermal Control System
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
TEPC Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter
TKS Orbital Transfer System
TKSC Tsukuba Space Center
TMA Transportation Modified Anthropometric
TMG Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment
TNSC Tanegashima Space Center
TORU Progress Remote Control Unit [Russian]
TSC Telescience Support Center
TSS Temporary Sleep Station
TSUP Moscow Mission Control
TVIS Treadmill Vibration Isolation System
UDMH Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine
UF Utilization Flight
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
ULF Utilization and Logistics Flight
UMA Umbilical Mating Assembly
USOC User Support and Operations Centre
VDC Voltage, Direct Current
VDU Video Distribution Unit
VOA Volatile Organic Analyzer
WRS Water Recovery System
Z1 Zenith 1, a truss segment