ISS Acronyms
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(New page: {| border="1" |'''Acronym''' |'''Definition''' |- |1P |Progress flight |- |1S |Soyuz flight |- |AC |Assembly Complete |- |ACU |Arm Control Unit |- |ARC |Ames Res...)
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Revision as of 08:16, 30 May 2014
Acronym | Definition |
1P | Progress flight |
1S | Soyuz flight |
AC | Assembly Complete |
ACU | Arm Control Unit |
ARC | Ames Research Center |
ARIS | Active Rack Isolation System |
ATCS | Active Thermal Control System |
atm | Atmospheres |
ATV | Automated Transfer Vehicle, launched by Ariane [ESA] |
ATV-CC | Automated Transfer Vehicle Control Centre |
BCA | Battery Charging Assembly |
BCDU | Battery Charge Discharge Unit |
BSA | Battery Stowage Assembly |
CBM | Common Berthing Mechanism |
CC | Control Center |
CCAA | Common Cabin Air Assembly |
CCC | Contaminant Control Cartridge |
CDRA | Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly |
CETA | Crew and Equipment Translation Aid/Assembly |
CEV | Crew Exploration Vehicle |
CEVIS | Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation System |
CHeCS | Crew Health Care System |
CMG | Control Moment Gyroscope |
CMRS | Crew Medical Restraint System |
CMS | Countermeasures System |
CNES | Centre National D’Études Spatiales [French space agency] |
COF | Columbus Orbital Facility |
COL-CC | Columbus Control Centre |
COTS | Commercial Orbital Transportation Services |
CPDS | Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer |
CRPCM | Canadian Remote Power Controller Module |
CSA | Canadian Space Agency |
CTB | Cargo Transfer Bag |
CWC | Contingency Water Container |
DC | Docking Compartment; |
Direct | Current |
DCSU | Direct Current Switching Unit |
DDCU | DC-to-DC Converter Unit |
DDT&E | Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation |
DLR | German Aerospace Center |
DMS | Data Management System |
DOS | Long-Duration Orbital Station [Russian] |
EADS | European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company |
ECLSS | Environmental Control and Life Support System |
ECS | Exercise Countermeasures System |
ECU | Electronics Control Unit |
EDR | European Drawer Rack |
EDV | Water Storage Container [Russian] |
EF | Exposed Facility |
EHS | Environmental Health System |
ELC | Express Logistics Carrier |
ELM | Experiment Logistics Module |
EMU | Extravehicular Mobility Unit |
EPM | European Physiology Module |
EPS | Electrical Power System |
ERA | European Robotic Arm |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESTEC | European Space Research and Technology Centre |
ETC | European Transport Carrier |
EVA | Extravehicular Activity |
ExPCA | EXPRESS Carrier Avionics |
EXPRESS | Expedite the Processing of Experiments to the Space Station |
FGB | Functional Cargo Block |
FRAM | Flight Releasable Attachment Mechanism |
FRGF | Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture |
FSA | Roscosmos, Russian Federal Space Agency |
FSL | Fluid Science Laboratory |
GASMAP | Gas Analyzer System for Metabolic Analysis Physiology |
GB | Gigabyte |
GCM | Gas Calibration Module |
GCTC | Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center |
GN&C | Guidance, Navigation, and Control |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System [Russian] |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRC | Glenn Research Center |
GSC | Guiana Space Center |
HMS | Health Maintenance System |
HRF | Human Research Facility |
HTV | H-II Transfer Vehicle [JAXA] |
IBMP | Institute for Biomedical Problems |
ICC | Integrated Cargo Carrier |
ICS | Internal Communications System |
IEA | Integrated Equipment Assembly |
IRU | In-flight Refill Unit |
ISPR | International Standard Payload Rack |
ISS | International Space Station |
ITA | Integrated Truss Assembly |
ITS | Integrated Truss Structure |
IV-CPDS | Intravehicular Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
JEM | Japanese Experiment Module |
JEM-ELM | Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module |
JEM-ELM-EF | Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module-Exposed Facility |
JEM-ELM-ES | Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module-Exposed Section |
JEM-ELM-PS | Japanese Experiment Module-Experiment Logistics Module-Pressurized Section |
JEM-PM | Japanese Experiment Module-Pressurized Module |
JEM-RMS | Japanese Experiment Module-Remote Manipulator System |
JSC | Johnson Space Center |
kgf | Kilogram Force |
kN | Kilonewton |
KSC | Kennedy Space Center |
lbf | Pound Force |
LF | Logistics Flight |
LiOH | Lithium Hydroxide |
LSS | Life Support Subsystem |
Mb | Megabit |
MBS | Mobile Base System |
MBSU | Main Bus Switching Unit |
MCC | Mission Control Center |
MDM | Multiplexer-Demultiplexer |
MELFI | Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS |
MGBX | Microgravity Science Glovebox |
MLE | Middeck Locker Equivalent |
MLM | Multipurpose Laboratory Module |
MMOD | Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris |
MMU | Mass Memory Unit |
MOC | MSS Operations Complex |
MPLM | Multi-Purpose Logistics Module |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center |
MSS | Mobile Servicing System |
MT | Mobile Transporter |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAVSTAR | Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging [U.S. satellite] |
NPO | Production Enterprise [Russian] |
NTO | Nitrogen Tetroxide |
NTSC | National Television Standards Committee |
OMS | Orbital Maneuvering System |
OGS | Oxygen Generation System |
ORU | Orbital Replacement Unit |
OVC | Oxygen Ventilation Circuit |
P1, | P6, etc. Port trusses |
PCAS | Passive Common Attach System |
PDA | Payload Disconnect Assembly |
PDGF | Payload Data Grapple Fixture |
PLSS | Primary Life Support System |
PM | Pressurized Module |
PMA | Pressurized Mating Adapter |
POC | Payload Operations Center; Primary Oxygen Circuit |
PROX | OPS Proximity Operations |
PSA | Power Supply Assembly |
PSC | Physiological Signal Conditioner |
PTCS | Passive Thermal Control System |
PVGF | Power Video Grapple Fixture |
PVR | Photovoltaic Radiator |
RED | Resistive Exercise Device |
RGA | Rate Gyro Assembly |
RM | Research Module |
RMS | Remote Manipulation, Manipulator System |
RPC | Remote Power Controller |
rpm | Revolutions Per Minute |
ROEU-PDA | Remotely Operated Electrical Umbilical-Power Distribution Assembly |
RPCM | Remote Power Controller Module |
RSC | Rocket and Space Corporation |
RV | Reentry Vehicle |
S&M | Structures and Mechanisms |
S0 | or S Zero, Starboard trusses S1, etc. |
SARJ | Solar (Array) Alpha Rotation Joint |
SAFER | Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue |
SASA | S-Band Antenna Structural Assembly |
SAW | Solar Array Wing |
SFOG | Solid Fuel Oxygen Generator |
SFP | Space Flight Participant |
SGANT | Space-to-Ground Antenna |
SM | Service Module |
SPDM | Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator |
SS | Space Shuttle |
SSA | Space Suit Assembly |
SSIPC | Space Station Integration and Promotion Center |
SSRMS | Space Station Remote Manipulator System |
SSU | Sequential Shunt Unit |
STS | Space Transportation System |
TCS | Thermal Control System |
TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite |
TEPC | Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter |
TKS | Orbital Transfer System |
TKSC | Tsukuba Space Center |
TMA | Transportation Modified Anthropometric |
TMG | Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment |
TNSC | Tanegashima Space Center |
TORU | Progress Remote Control Unit [Russian] |
TSC | Telescience Support Center |
TSS | Temporary Sleep Station |
TSUP | Moscow Mission Control |
TVIS | Treadmill Vibration Isolation System |
UDMH | Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine |
UF | Utilization Flight |
UHF | Ultra-High Frequency |
ULF | Utilization and Logistics Flight |
UMA | Umbilical Mating Assembly |
USOC | User Support and Operations Centre |
VDC | Voltage, Direct Current |
VDU | Video Distribution Unit |
VOA | Volatile Organic Analyzer |
WRS | Water Recovery System |
Z1 | Zenith 1, a truss segment |