07. Would it be possible to have candles for certain occasions? (A K2S Question)

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Think about the flammability hazard and, with the exception of glove box controlled experiments, you'll know why we don't have matches, candles or open flames on the ISS or the Space Shuttle. Now, think about how a flame on a candle might behave in zero gravity. On Earth, the flame is fed by cold air at the bottom being drawn in and hot air rising out the top after the fuel is burned. It is very interesting to see how in space, with no convection (which is gravity-driven), the hot air doesn't rise so the flame extends radially out in a sphere around the source. With no additional air being drawn in to feed the flame, the fire just goes out. So, no real candles, but you could use a mini-mag light or some battery-powered candles instead!

Answer provided by Capt. USN (Ret). William Readdy

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer