Aug 12 1963

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Goddard Space Flight Center engineers directed radio signal sent from Lakehurst, N.J., to SYNCOM II communications satellite 22,000 mi. in space, signaling hydrogen peroxide jets onboard to fire and slow satellite's drift westward from rate of about 7° to about 2° per day. With aid of additional maneuvers signaled from ground, SYNCOM II was expected to attain synchro­nous orbit within three days, appearing to hover over 55° west position and prescribing figure-8 pattern 33° north and south of equator. (AP, NYT, 8/12/63)

TELSTAR II communications satellite resumed operating for first time since July 16. Satellite received and transmitted sound and tele­vision picture test sent by Bell Telephone Laboratories on TELSTAR II's 622nd orbit. Cause of the satellite's restoration, like its silence, was not known. (AP, Wash,. Post, 8/13/63; NYT, 8/13/63,12)

S-IV stage for the Saturn SA-5 launch vehicle completed its static­ test program with a full-duration firing lasting 479 sec. (Av. Wk., 8/26/63, 33)

Third birthday of ECHO I balloon satellite, launched into orbit Aug. 12, 1960. World's first artificial passive communications satellite, the 100-ft. inflatable mylar sphere demonstrated use of radio wave reflection for global communications. ECHO I was still orbit­ing the earth, having traveled some 425 million mi., and was still usable for communication. NASA announced G. C. Schieldahl Co. had been selected to build Echo II satellite, scheduled to be placed in orbit this winter. Under $362,000 contract Schjeldahl would build three models, one for static-inflation tests, one for orbital flight, and one for back­up. ECHO II would be larger and more rigid than its predecessor. (NASA Release 63-183; Rep. Joseph E. Karth, OR, 8/12/63, A5097; AP, NYT, 8/13/63)

First anniversary of first tandem manned space flight, which began Aug. 12, 1962, when VOSTOK IV piloted by Lt. Col. Pavel R. Popo­vich was launched into nearly same orbit as that of VOSTOK III piloted by Maj. Andrian C. Nikolayev, launched into orbit less than 24 hrs. earlier. At one point the two spacecraft were within 6.5 km. (4 mi.) of each other, according to Soviet newspaper Pravda. Upon landing Aug. 15, Maj. Nikolayev in VOSTOK III had completed 64 earth orbits, 1,645,000 mi.; and 95 hrs., 25 min. flying time. Colonel Popovich in VOSTOK IV had completed 48 earth orbits; 1,242,000 mi.; and 70 hrs., 29 min. flying time.

NASA selected Bendix Eclipse-Pioneer Div. and RCA Data, Systems Div. to provide components and equipment for Saturn IB and Saturn V guidance and checkout systems. Bendix and RCA already were providing- similar services in Saturn I launch vehicle system. (NASA Release 63-182)

Sir Bernard Lovell, Director of Britain's Jodrell Bank Experimen­tal Station, said in U.S. News and World Report interview that U.S.S.R. did not have a priority program for landing a man on the moon. The resident of the Academy of Sciences [Mstislav Keldysh] said that the Soviet Academy saw certain insuperable difficulties. "First, they did not at the moment see how it was possible to protect any lunar voyages from the lethal effects of solar radiation. "Secondly-and mixed up with this-is that they did not think it was economically feasible with present techniques to land suf­ficient material on the moon to give the necessary protection against solar radiation and, at the same time, to enable a scientific program to be carried out and also to give the chap a reasonable chance of getting back to earth. "Most important of all, it seemed to me, is this: They have decided that with a soft landing of instruments on the moon they can extract nearly all the scientific information they want long before there would be a chance of getting a man there to do it .... "I told the president of the Academy quite frankly that I didn't agree with this sentiment, because I'm a very firm believer in the importance of getting a man on the moon not only for scientific reasons but also because it is a great challenge facing the human race . " Sir Bernard said U.S.S.R. was concentrating on two objectives in space exploration: (1) "soft landing of instruments on the moon . . . and, subsequently, other planets" and (2) "assembly of a platform in space .... The cosmonaut program is related . to this effort to erect a big platform in space and put a telescope on it . . . ." (Interview, U.S. News, 8/12/63 )

Washington Evening Star editorialized that NASA "should lose no time in exploring the possibilities suggested by Sir Bernard [Lovell] in his letter to James Webb, NASA's head. The Russians may be sincere about the matter; anyhow, we should try to find out whether they are or not." (Wash. Eve. Star, 8/12/63)

NASA announced three-year $400,000 grant to Univ. of Washington for research in new, advanced ceramics and the improvement of existing materials for use in the space program and for indus­trial applications. (NASA Release 63-180; AP, Wash. Eve. Star, 8/12/63)

NASA Director of International Programs Arnold Frutkin discussed U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative meteorological satellite pro­gram in Aviation Week and Space Technology interview. Begin­ning late next year, NASA would launch Nimbus meteorological satellites into polar orbit and U.S.S.R. would launch polar orbit­ing satellites. Paths of two satellites would be phased so that they are 90° apart, so that one satellite of each pair will cross each spot on globe every six hours. (Av. Wk., 8/12/63)

Experiments to determine behavior of dust on moon's surface de­scribed by Dr. John W. Salisbury of AFCRL Space Physics Labora­tory in OAR Research Review. Conducted in lunar simulation chamber in which effects of low pressure, radiation, and tempera­ture on physical properties of probable lunar surface materials were studied, experiment demonstrated for first time that silicate powders, like metals, adhere to one another in ultrahigh vacuums. Particles also adhere to glass and metal surfaces. Experiment director Salisbury concluded "properly designed vehicles will not sink away into a sea of lunar dust, should one exist. The tend­ency of dust particles to stick to all metal and glass surfaces will, however, provide an unusual difficulty in the operation of camera lenses, portholes and mirrors." (OAR Research Review, 8/12/63, 3-4)

In address before National Editorial Association's airplane division, inserted in Congressional Record by Rep. Garner E. Shriver (R.-Kans.), Boeing Co. president William M. Allen discussed pro­ posed Government-industry program to develop supersonic trans­port aircraft in light of past progress in U.S. aircraft develop­ment. "The first large expansion of passenger air transportation in 1931 employed trimotored airplanes each of which provided on the average, in actual operation, about 3,500 seat-miles of transportation per day. These airplanes cost $75,000 each. In rapid lumps we have been able successively to increase the capability of the product until now, in the form of the 707 or the DC-8, it is delivering 400,000 seat-miles per day, which is 114 times the out­put of the 1931 trimotor. The jet airplane cost is $6 million, or 80 times the cost of the trimotor. "Each step of progress which has made this change possible has been larger than the one before, and the jump to supersonic is by far the largest of all. The development cost has mounted accord­ingly . ." He cited Boeing's financing in 1935 of prototype four-engine airplane which became the Flying Fortress, at cost of $660,000, and Boeing's designing and building in 1952 of first U.S. jet transport, at cost of nearly $20 million. "A prototype super­sonic transport of the type regarded now as most practical is esti­mated to cost a possible $150 million . . . . "Already Boeing has expended in the neighborhood of $15 mil­lion on supersonic transport study . . But the big costs are still ahead in supersonic prototype development . "It becomes evident that there is valid reason for the initiative which our Government is taking in developing means to finance the program and that the continued cooperation of Government, the manufacturing industry and the airline industry is required in working out a program that can be practically accomplished with the economic capability of industry and will serve the national interest. "In carrying out this program and undertaking to meet the intensive competition which we will face from abroad, we feel it is important, as Federal Aviation Agency Administrator N. E. Hal­aby has recognized, that we retain the advantages of the private enterprise system of contractual responsibility which has proved so effective in the past . . . ." (Text, CR, 8/12/63, A5106-07)

Transfer of Pacific Missile Range from USN to USAF would be accomplished in six months, Missiles and Rockets reported. USN would retain Pt. Mugu portion and continue to operate range instrumentation ships; Pt. Arguello would be merged with Vandenberg AFB, which would be transferred from Strategic Air Command to AF Systems Command. New division to be created under AFSC would operate PMR, AMR, and Satellite Test Center (composed of Sunnyvale facilities and Hickam AFB recovery group). (M&R, 8/12/63, 12)

U.S. Weather Bureau was considering purchasing Japanese weather observation rockets from Prince Motors, Ltd., of Tokyo. (M&R, 8/12/63,9)

August 12-16: International Symposium on the International Geo­physical Year held in Los Angeles and attended by 300 scientists from 32 countries. Sponsored by Geophysics Research Board of NAS-NRC, symposium featured discussions of discoveries made and advances achieved since beginning of IGY in 1957. (NASA AFC, Consolidated Calendar, 6/15/63; Wash. Eve. Star, 8/12/63) *Conference on artificial satellites held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va., sponsored by VPI in cooperation with National Science Foundation and NASA Langley Research Center. 13 NASA scientists and engineers were among the featured speakers. Release 63 173 Dr.Homer E. Newell, NASA Director of Space Sciences, said in introductory lecture "Those who argue that we should dispense with the frills of science and space exploration, and concentrate on the necessities of military development, forget that we can't really say what the military necessities m space will be. Our crystal ball is not that good, and it would be foolhardy to pretend that it is. We do not wish to develop a Maginot line in space, only to have it flanked by forces of greater flexibility. We need to develop in a broad way our space capability so that we shall have the ability to move in any direction required by future events to meet any threats along whatever lines may develop. " . Out of this broad activity in space will come the ability of the United States to use space and to operate in space either as it may chose to do voluntarily or may find itself compelled to do in its own defense. The development of our ability to operate in space including manned space flight, gives to our country another dimension m which to meet the challenges-both opportunities and threats-of the future. We can do engineering in space, advance our science in a way that cannot be accomplished at the surface of the earth, and extend the range of practical applications for the benefit of man. And, if necessary, we can thwart the attempts of any enemy to use space against us. "In this day and age we cannot afford to ignore this last point. In our own self interest, and for the safety of our country, we cannot permit others to develop space capabilities that we cannot match, and that may, therefore, be used disastrously against us. "This is a capability we must have to ensure our survival in the space age as the independent, self-determining nation that our forefathers set us up to be, and that we have always insisted on being "This is the capability that we shall have from the development of the ability to investigate scientifically with satellites and space probes, and from space applications, from the ability to perform manned space flight and manned space operations, from the vast complex of manufacturing and assembly plants, launchings com­plexes, tracking and telemetering facilities, and from the invalu­able experience that this initial stage in the space program will give us. "This is the most significant point about the present era in space. This is the most important aspect of the present activity in space. "We are now laying the groundwork for whatever role we may have to play in space in the future. We are ensuring that no one will ever be in a position to use space against us while we, helpless and frustrated through lack of the necessary space capa­bility, have to take what comes . . . ." (Text)

Dr. Wilmot N. Hess of Goddard Space Flight Center told Conference August 14 that U.S. high-altitude nuclear explosion in 1962 provided new information for determining path and rate of decay of high-energy electrons, thus providing better under­standing of the Van Allen radiation belts. "While the nuclear explosion shortened the lives of some satellites and increased the intensity of radiation around the globe, it had a valuable side effect. "To students of the Van Allen belt, it was almost like having a controlled experiment in space . . . ." (AP, NYT, 8/15/63, 11)

ANNA I geodetic satellite's flashing beacons had resumed after more than two months of blackout, Richard B. Kershner of Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory disclosed in Aug. 15 press conference. In Blacksburg for Artificial Satellites Confer­ence, Kershner said: "We have no explanation for the lights coming back on two weeks ago. We don't like to believe in space gremlins, but we've reached the point where, that's as good an explanation as any." (AP, Chic. Trib., 8/16/63)

Dr. Floyd L. Thompson, Director of NASA Langley Research Center, addressed banquet. Dr. Thompson called on educators attending the conference to join with NASA and other research or­ganizations to develop new and more effective means for accel­erating effective distribution and assimilation of newly acquired research information. He cited prospective establishment of Virginia Associated Research Center (VARC) adjacent to the LaRC pace Radiation Effects Laboratory at Newport News, Va., as a new and imaginative device to promote flow of knowledge be­tween a major laboratory and three outstanding Virginia institu­tions of higher learning. (LaRC Release)

Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., Chief of NASA Manned Spacecraft Center's Flight Operations Div., said Aug. 16 "The first U.S. manned spaceflight program [Project Mercury] was designed to (1) put a man into earth orbit, (2) observe his reactions to the space environment, and (3) bring him back to Earth safely at a point where he could be readily recovered. All of these objectives have been accomplished, and some have pro­duced more information than we expected to receive . . . ." Discussing the stringent reliability requirements of manned space flight: "The smallest mistake in a man-rated system can bring totally unexpected results. The unexpected is the rule in the unknown, and if man is going to live in the region beyond our atmosphere, he is going to live under new rules or not at all. We have been aware of these rules ... but they have not been brought to our attention so vividly as they have in the manned flight program .... "The manned space flight program has added greatly to our knowledge of the universe around us and demonstrated that man has a proper role in exploring it. There are many unknowns that lie ahead in space, but we are reassured because we are confident in overcoming them by using man's capabilities to the full­est .... We now depend on man in the loop to back up automa­tic systems rather than using automatic systems alone to insure that the mission is accomplished .... We have arrived at what we think is the proper mixture of that formula. Man is the decid­ing element; but we cannot ignore the usefulness of the automatic systems" Kraft told news conference that two engine problems were en­countered in the Titan II booster for Project Gemini. Titan II's first stage generated chugging oscillation which could cause "the pilots to have their eyeballs shook out." Second stage engine was producing only about 90% of desired thrust. Both problems apparently were associated with turbine drive mechanisms (MSC Release 63-126; AP, Chic. Trib., 8/17/63)

Gerald M. Truszynski, NASA Deputy Director of Tracking and Data Acquisition, discussed satellite data recovery and tracking system for manned satellite program. He described the manned space flight network used in Project Mercury and the augmenta­tions planned for support of Project Gemini, concluding: "... while certain equipment augmentations will be effected, many of the techniques learned during the Mercury program, particularly in terms of procedures required to assure positive Network support, will be utilized in Gemini and in this way, an ever-increasing background of know-how will be available for the extremely complex missions which will be encountered in the manned lunar landing program shortly to be upon us."

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