Contents of Spaceflight Magazine Volume 35

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VOL. 35 NO. 2 FEBRUARY 1993
MY VISIT TO BAIKONUR Christopher Gainor, who was one of a party of tourists at the Baikonur Cosmodrome at the time of a Soyuz launching, gives a first-hand account of his visit. 38
SOVIET ROCKET MOTORS ON VIEW Dietrich Neeseler has details of two Soviet rocket motors seen in the museum of NPO Energomash. 40
VALENTINA PONOMARYOVA'S STORY Pierre-Emmanuel Paul's reports on an interview with Valentina Tereshkova's back-up. 41
THE SOVIET VENUS PROGRAMME Information about the extensive Soviet programme of space probes to the planet Venus is provided by Timothy Varfolomeyev. 42
SOVIET TEST PILOTS Vadim Molchanov identifies the pilots who flew the prototype plane Lupot. 43
THE N1-L3 PROGRAMME More information is reported by Daniel Lebedev on the Soviet manned lunar programme. GROUP VISITS TO SPACE CAMP The cosmonaut training facilities at Star City now have an educational role. Alexander Serebrov summarises the new arrangements. 44
SOVIET COSMONAUT NUMBERING SYSTEM Neil DaCosta discusses this topic with Alexander Serebrov in order to clarify the numbering procedure. 45
THE MOON RACE (AND THE COVERUP) IN HINDSIGHT The Soviet race to the Moon was not recognised in the West at the time. James Oberg has put together extracts of what the media were reporting. 46
LUNAR DEVELOPMENT, PAST AND FUTURE Part 1 - Apollo was a Race: Post-Apollo Studies by Heinz-Hermann Koelle. 48
A NEW PATTERN FOR INTERNATIONAL SPACE COLLABORATION Part 2 - Space Station and Lunar Base Development by Mark Hempsell. 52
BACK TO THE MOON WITH ROBOTS? Darren Burnham reviews the plans of engineers at NASA's Johnson Space Center for spearheading the US Space Exploration Initiative. 54
Correspondence A selection of readers' letters. 58
ASTRONOMICAL NOTEBOOK A roundup of astronomical news including Space Probe Diary. 61
LAUNCH REPORT: SATELLITE DIGEST - 249 News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 64
INTERNATIONAL Space Report Space news from around the World. 66
COLUMBIA MISSION: STS-52 MISSION REPORT Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the STS-52 Mission. 68
VOL. 35 NO. 3 MARCH 1993
SPACEPLANES - BACK TO THE FUTURE Doug Millard of the London Science Museum reviews the history of Spaceplanes from the earliest concepts up to the present day. 74
SCIENCE A LA CARTE! Brian Harvey writes about his visit to see a space exhibition in Paris. 78
MAKS - EASTERN PROMISE? Details of the CIS spaceplane project MAKS are revealed in this article by Mark Hempsell and Bob Parkinson. 79
'ON CONSOLE' FOR 14-DAY MISSION Mission Scientist, Dale M. Kornfeld, describes the Huntsville Operations Control Center from personal experience during the STS-50 mission. 84
STS-53 MISSION REPORT Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the last shuttle mission with a classified payload. 85
LAUNCH REPORT News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 88
THE FIRST REUSABLE SSTO SPACECRAFT A study by McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company of a Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) spacecraft is described by W. Paul Blase. 90
SOCIETY NEWS Reports and announcements from the British Interplanetary Society. 95
ENDEAVOUR'S THIRD MISSION: STS-54 Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on STS-54. 96
SATELLITE DIGEST - 250 Spaceflight's regular listing of world space launches. 99
INTERNATIONAL Space Report Space news from around the world. 100
Space at JPL Dr William L McLaughlin writes from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. 102
Correspondence A selection of reader's letters. 106
VOL. 35 NO. 4 APRIL 1993
JOURNEY TO GRIGG-SKJELLERUP Darren Burnham describes the second cometary flyby by the spacecraft Giotto and compares key parameters with those of its Halley flyby in March 1986. 110
HEALTH CHECK ON GIOTTO Richard Flower looks at the current operational status of the Giotto spacecraft and concludes that a further follow-on mission is unlikely. 113
COMETARY EXPLORATION: WHAT NEXT? Further prospects are outlined by Darren Burnham. 115
TEN-YEAR SETI BEGINS NASA's new project in search of cosmic intelligence gets off the mark with its first observations. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute has the details. 116
Correspondence A selection of readers' letters. 119
A GOOD YEAR FOR THE SHUTTLE Short reports of the eight Space Shuttle missions successfully launched during 1992. 120
FIRST JAPANESE SPACELAB: STS-47 A report by Roelof Schuiling of a 1992 internationally-sponsored Shuttle mission. 122
FROM OIL SLICKS TO GREEN SHOOTS The radar instrumentation of the ERS-1 satellite provides an abundance of data about the Earth's surface features. The scope of this information is revealed by Norman Longdon of the European Space Agency. 126
THE FUTURE OF SAR IN EARTH OBSERVATION The leading UK role of the DRA, Farnborough in the provision of satellite radar imagery is described by Nicholas Thornton. 128
IMPRESSIVE ERS-1 IMAGERY An ERS-1 image of the Isle of Wight is described by Clive Simpson of Matra Marconi Space who, in conjunction with European subcontractors, are makers of the satellite's radar. 129
STONEHENGE FROM SPACE Dr M.J.F. Fowler writes about the use of a SPOT panchromatic image of the Stonehenge Danebury area of Southern England. 130
LAUNCH REPORT: SATELLITE DIGEST - 251 News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 133
INTERNATIONAL Space Report Space news from around the world. 134
Book Notices The contents of books likely to be of interest to readers are described. 136
ASTRONOMICAL NOTEBOOK A roundup of astronomical news including Space Probe Diary. 139
SOCIETY NEWS News and reports about the 60th anniversary year programme of the BIS. 142
VOL. 35 NO. 5 MAY 1993
LUNAR DEVELOPMENT, PAST AND FUTURE (Part 2) Towards an International Lunar Base by Heinz-Hermann Koelle. 146
FIRST LUNAR OUTPOST NASA's Office of Exploration lays the groundwork for a return to the Moon. A special report by Darren L. Burnham. 148
NASA PLANS NEW SOLAR SYSTEM MISSIONS Eleven new science mission concepts are announced for further study. 151
'SECRET' SHUTTLE PAYLOADS REVEALED More can now be told of the payloads carried by military shuttle flights which started in January 1985. Joel W. Powell has the details. 152
SHUTTLE CREW ANNOUNCEMENTS Astronaut appointments including new shuttle mission assignments. 155
SOCIETY NEWS News and reports of events during the 60th anniversary year of the BIS. 156
LAUNCH REPORT: SATELLITE DIGEST - 252 News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 158
INTERNATIONAL Space Report Space news from around the world. 160
SKYLON: A KEY ELEMENT OF A FUTURE SPACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM The SKYLON spaceplane configuration and design features are described by Richard Varvill and Alan Bond. 162
FESTIP The timescales and technologies of the Future European Space Transportation Investigations Programme (FESTIP) are outlined by Norman Longdon. 167
HOTOL'S SECRET ENGINES REVEALED Mark Hempsell writes about the technical details of HOTOL's RB545 air breathing engine. 168
MIR MISSION REPORT Work aboard Mir and the changeover of crews at the end of January are the subject of this report by Neville Kidger. 173
FAST-TRACK BACK TO THE MOON A study by the Space System Division of General Dynamics for early human missions to the Moon is summarised by Darren L. Burnham LUNAR BASE COMPETITION Answer a few simple questions and win a video prize!!. 176
Book Notices The contents of books likely to be of interest to readers are described. 178
VOL. 35 NO. 6 JUNE 1993
SPACE DEBRIS A review of space debris and the hazard that it presents by H. Heusmann. 182
FIRST EUROPEAN SPACE DEBRIS CONFERENCE The conclusions reached at this international meeting are summarised. 185
INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION A call to 'reconceptualize' the Space Station is made by Joan Johnson-Freese and Roger Handberg. 186
THE STARSHIP AS AN EXERCISE IN WORLD GOVERNMENT Part 1 - The Political Preconditions by Ian A. Crawford. 188
STS-65 ASTRONAUTS AT VANCOUVER, CANADA The problem of astronaut back pain and preparations for its investigation during the STS-65 mission are outlined by Christopher Gainor. 191
LAUNCH REPORT: SATELLITE DIGEST - 253 News of repent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 192
UK Space Report News of UK space activities. 193
GEMINI ASTRONAUTS HONOURED The events of the day when the Gemini astronauts were inducted into the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, Florida are described by Anne van den Berg. 194
ESA SIMULATES CREWING OF SPACE STATION Sixty days of isolation for a crew of four pave the way for ESA space station astronauts. 195
STS-61 ASTRONAUTS AT BRISTOL Crewmembers visit British Aerospace Space Systems as part of their training for servicing the Hubble Space Telescope. Mark Hempsell reports. 196
STS-56: DISCOVERY IN ORBIT WITH SECOND ATLAS PAYLOAD Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the STS-56 Mission. 198
GUILDFORD SCHOOL SHUTTLE TV LINK The crew of Discovery link up with the Royal Grammar School, Guildford. 201
'FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES' A visit to the Kennedy Space Center to watch a shuttle launch with a difference is described by Nienna Tromlin. SOCIETY NEWS Events during the 60th Anniversary Year of the BIS. 202
ASTRONOMICAL NOTEBOOK A roundup of astronomical news including Space Probe Diary. 204
Space at JPL Dr William L McLaughlin writes from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. 207
Correspondence A selection of readers' letters. 211
LUNAR BASE COMPETITION Answer a few simple questions and win a video prize!!. 212
Book Notices The contents of books likely to be of interest. 214
VOL. 35 NO. 7 JULY 1993
PROJECT SPACEGUARD: THE FICTION AND THE FACT Duncan Steel writes about searching for asteroids and comets on an impact course with the Earth. 218
COMET SWIFT-TUTTLE AND A QUESTION OF PROBABILITY Current interest in this much publicised comet which crosses the Earth's orbit is reviewed by Duncan Steel. 222
SOVIET SPACE PROGRAMME Peter Pesavento finds out how much the CIA knew about the Soviet space programme in the late 1960s. 224
PREPARATIONS FOR SOVIET MANNED LUNAR MISSIONS THE N-1 ROCKET PROGRAMME Alexander Yasinsky has details about the alterations that were made to the first stage of the N-1 rocket. CHELOMEI'S LUNAR PROGRAMME Daniel A. Lebedev writes about the Chelomei design bureau and the manned lunar programme that it embarked on. 228
THE SOVIET MARS PROGRAMME Further information on the chequered history of this programme is presented by Timothy Varfolomeyev. 230
STS-55: SPACELAB D-2 MISSION Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the STS-55 mission. 232
SELECTION OF ESA ASTRONAUTS FOR FLIGHTS TO MIR Rolf H. Schoevaart has the details about ESA astronauts selected for Mir missions. 237
Correspondence. 237
'SPACE' IN MUSIC AND SONG A special Correspondence feature in response to readership interest in the Space-Music relationship. 238
THE SKYLON SPACECRAFT Articles on SKYLON and HOTOL in the May 1993 issue of Spaceflight prompted wide interest which has been reflected in Correspondence to the Editor. 240
GENERAL Correspondence a selection of readers' letters. 243
OH MY DARLING CLEMENTINE A spacecraft that takes innovative technology onboard to map the Moon and flyby a near-Earth asteroid is described by Andy Salmon. 245
LAUNCH REPORT: SATELLITE DIGEST-254 News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 246
ASTRONOMICAL NOTEBOOK Items of astronomical interest including Space Probe Diary. 248
VOL. 35 NO. 8 AUGUST 1993
POLAR PLATFORM MODEL UNVEILED Mark Hempsell reports on a Press Conference attended by the UK Space Minister and the Director of ESA's Earth Observation programmes. 254
EARLY HISTORY OF THE POLAR PLATFORM: 1984-87 The concept of a 'Space Platform' in 1984 evolved into that of the 'Polar Platform' by 1987. Mark Hempsell outlines developments. 256
THE POLAR PLATFORM Simon Chalkley and Judith Simpson of British Aerospace Space Systems describe 'What it is and What it Provides'. 258
ADVANCED SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR The design of ASAR and its potentialities for Earth Observation are surveyed by Clive Simpson of Matra Marconi Space. 262
INTERNATIONAL Space Report: PARIS AIR SHOW A report on space at the Paris Air Show by Dai Shapland and other items of space news. 264
SOCIETY NEWS Recent events involving the Society and its members. 266
MICHAEL FOALE - THE ALL ANGLO-AMERICAN SPACE EXPLORER Darren L. Burnham writes about a talk given by Astronaut Michael Foale at Brunel University's Space School. 268
ENDEAVOUR'S ARDUOUS MAIDEN VOYAGE: STS-49 Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the STS-49 mission. 270
INTEGRAL CONFIRMED AS ESA's NEXT SCIENTIFIC MISSION A description of the purpose and instrumentation of the INTEGRAL mission by Norman Longdon. 274
ASTRONOMICAL NOTEBOOK Items of astronomical interest including Space Probe Diary. 275
HITEN MISSION ENDS The three-year mission of Japan's cis-lunar space probe is reviewed by Darren L. Burnham. 278
LAUNCH REPORT: SATELLITE DIGEST-255 News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 280
Correspondence A selection of readers' letters. 282
SPACE SHUTTLE COMPETITION Find the 'Keyword' and win a video prize !!. 285
Book Notices The contents of books likely to be of interest to readers are described. 286
VOL. 35 NO. 9 SEPTEMBER 1993
MARS OBSERVER - ARRIVING FOR WORK As the Mars Observer spacecraft reaches the planet Mars, Mark Hempsell provides the technical background to this mission. 290
UK EXPERIMENT ONBOARD MARS OBSERVER The involvement of the University of Oxford in a Mars Observer experiment is reported by Mark Hempsell. PREPARING FOR THE MARS-94 MISSION In spite of financial difficulties, Y. Telegin is optimistic about Russian projects for the exploration of Mars. 294
MISSION TO MARS Manned Mars missions are engaging the attention of a Stanford University group. Raymond Hardie writes about their proposals. 295
COLONIZING MARS The feasibility and urgency of recognising the "window of opportunity" that is now open for setting up a colony on Mars is examined by Gary A. Allen, Jr. 297
BRINGING WORLDS TO LIFE The salient points about Terraforming as presented by speakers at a two-day weekend school held in London are summarised by Richard L.S. Taylor. 300
SOCIETY NEWS Recent events about the Society and its members. 302
LAUNCH REPORT News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 304
SPACE IN MINIATURE Keith A. McNeill describes his long-standing interest in building and photographing spacecraft models. 306
SPACEHAB DEBUT: EURECA RETRIEVAL - STS-57 Roelof L. Schuiling writes a first-hand account of 'The Payload Manager's Perspective' and provides a day-by-day report of the mission. 309
SATELLITE DIGEST - 256 This month's listing of recent spacecraft launchings. 316
MIR MISSION REPORT The work of Manakov and Poleshchuk aboard Mir, January to July 1993, are the subject of this report by Neville Kidger. 317
Book Notices Recent publications of the Cambridge University Press are brought to the attention of readers. 319
Correspondence A selection of readers' letters. 321
'NAME THE SATS' COMPETITION Prizes are to be won for naming Ariane payloads. Front Cover: Artist's illustration of Mars Observer in orbit around the Red Planet with its solar panels drawing. 323
VOL. 35 NO. 10 OCTOBER 1993
ESA SEEKS SPACE COOPERATION WITH RUSSIA As joint ESA-RKA (Russian Space Agency) space transportation studies near completion a follow-on agreement is sought,. 326
SPACE TRANSPORTATION PLANS OF ESA The current status is reviewed of Ariane-5, Hermes (re-oriented) and FESTIP. ASSURED CREW RETURN VEHICLE ESA proceeds to Phase B studies, to be completed by 1995. 328
ESA'S SPACE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANS Four ESA projects closely related to space station work are described. EVA SPACE SUIT The technology of EVA space suit design is outlined. EVA SUIT 2000 is being pursued jointly with the Russian Space Agency. 330
EUROPEAN SPACE INDUSTRY Commercial trends are reviewed over the last few years. 1992 sales figures are analysed. 332
ASTRA SATELLITES AND EUROPEAN TELEVISION The five satellites of the Astra system are compared at this crucial time when transmissions are set to start with digitally compressed signals. 333
SPACE MICROGRAVITY SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS IN CHINA China looks to microgravity technology to bring about economic and technical benefits in the next decade. Zhu Yilin of the Chinese Academy of Space Technology reviews progress to date. 334
METEOSAT PROGRAMME The past, present and future of the Meteosat Programme is reviewed. 337
BRAZIL IN SPACE Developments are traced by Fabiola de Oliveira. Future plans are summarised by Theo Pirard. 338
SOUTH AFRICA'S SPACE PROGRAMME TAKES OFF Jonathan H. Spencer Jones has the details. Andy Salmon writes about Greensat. 340
UK SPACE ACTIVITIES 1992l93 The UK's main areas of space commitment are reviewed by Mike Blackwell. 342
LAND COVER MAP OF GREAT BRITAIN Satellite images obtained between 1988 and 1991 provide maps of 25 land cover types. 343
JAPAN: THREE NEW VEHICLES BEFORE THE YEAR 2000 Launch plans are summarised by Theo Pirard. ISRAEL IN SPACE A report edited by Abraham Tal. 344
SOCIETY NEWS BIS is to celebrate its 60th anniversary at the forthcoming SPACE '93. 346
Correspondence. 348
Book Notices. 350
LAUNCH REPORT News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 352
Space at JPL Dr William L. McLaughlin writes from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. 357
VOL.35 NO. 11 NOVEMBER 1993
AIR-LAUNCHED BOOSTERS Advantages of space launch from aircraft are reviewed by David L. Wade. 362
ESA STUDIES REUSABLE WINGED LAUNCHERS ESA carries out a general assessment to facilitate access to space. 365
RUSSIAN COSMONAUTICS IN DIFFICULT TIMES Yuri Kolesnikov writes about the problems and prospects of Russia's space programme. 366
GEORGII GRECHKO, COSMONAUT HERO His work and views on space exploration in an interview with Nina Maksakova. 367
SATELLITES FOR THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY Russian Space Agency unveils plans for Earth Observation and Anatoly Zak has the details. 368
PROTON: NOT CREWRATED FOR SOYUZ-TM SPACE STATION ROLL Charles P. Vick identifies the changes needed to the Proton space launcher. 369
KB PHOTON RELEASES "RUS" MODIFIED SOYUZ-TM BOOSTER DETAILS Details of the new "Rus" space launcher are presented by Charles P. Vick. RUSSIANS PLAN TO COLLECT PHOBOS SAMPLE Proposals for a Phobos sample return in 1998 are reported by Peter Smolders. 370
SPACE COMMUNICATIONS IN THE CIS Busy Proton launch schedules for new CIS space communications are highlighted by Theo Pirard. 371
STS-51 - DISCOVERY SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED AFTER DELAYS Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the launch of STS-51. 373
TWO UK-BUILT MICROSATELLITES LAUNCHED BY ARIANE University of Surrey's commercial technology transfer company SSTL spearheads microsatellites. 374
LAUNCH REPORT News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 375
ORBITER PROCESSING FACILITY 3 Keith T. Wilson visits KSC and meets up with orbiter Endeavour in OPF 3. FORMER NASA PILOT MILTON THOMPSON An appreciation of his work by Ed Hengeveld. 376
FIRST FLIGHTS OF THE DC- XW. Paul Blase reports on the DC-X, its initial hover test and its first flight test. 378
ARIANE 5: SPELTRA PAYLOAD SUPPORT STRUCTURE The first Spectra structure for Ariane 5 has recently been constructed ready for testing. 381
SOME DETAILS ON PROJECT ZENITH (1957 ONWARDS) New information on early Soviet photoreconnaissance by Brian Harvey. GAGARIN'S SPACESHIP ORIGINATED AS SPY SATELLITE Peter Smolders gives some of the background to Gagarin's historic flight. CORRESPONDENCE. 382
MOSCOW'S INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE SHOW Trevor Hall writes about his visit to Mosaeroshow '93. 383
OLYMPUS MISSION ENDS ESA's communications satellite loses Earth pointing attitude and its mission is terminated. 389
HIPPARCOS MISSION COMPLETE Michael Perryman is interviewed about this unique ESA astrometry mission by Norman Longdon. 390
Book Notices. 394
VOL. 35 NO. 12 DECEMBER 1993
RETURN TO THE MOON TO STAY Earth orbit rendezvous with a revived Saturn V is proposed by Thomas J. Frieling. 398
LUNAR BASE SITING Selection of a site for a lunar base is considered by Robert L. Staehleet al. 402
SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Two types of lunar vehicle have been outlined in work at the Johnson Space Center. 404
ROBOTS IN SPACE An essential tool in lunar and planetary exploration is reviewed by Ben Evans. 407
THE COSMONAUTS MISSED THE MOON! Theo Pirard reveals what the Soviets did in the lunar space race of 25 years ago. 410
MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE The scale of space technology at this institute is highlighted by Theo Pirard. 414
60 YEARS A short account of the 60 year history of the British Interplanetary Society. 415
MESSAGES TO THE SOCIETY ON ITS 60th ANNIVERSARY Congratulations reach the Society from leading space organisations. 416
HASTINGS: SPACE '93 A pictorial survey of some of the main events of SPACE '93. 418
AFTER VOYAGER WHAT NEXT ? The achievements and future of interplanetary exploration are addressed by Garry Hunt. 420
60th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET Events are recorded from the Society's 60th anniversary celebration. 421
ARTHUR C. CLARKE IN HASTINGS - SRI LANKA LINK-UP Arthur talks with SPACE '93 participants about historical space events and future activities. 422
ELEVEN DAY MISSION WITH EVA: STS-51 Roelof Schuiling reports from the Kennedy Space Center on the STS-51 mission. 423
Correspondence. 427
LAUNCH REPORT: STS-58 News of recent launches and forthcoming launch preparations. 431