Jan 13 1971

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Listen to Lunar Science Press Conferences from this date:

Prof Gordon G. Goles (University of Oregon), Dr Edwin Roedder (USGS), Dr Robin Brett (MSC), Dr Clifford Frondell (Harvard)

Dr Bruce W. Hapke (University of Pittsburgh), Dr Eugene Shoemaker (University California Inst Tech), Dr Michel Maurette (Centre Spectrometric Nucleaire et Mass), D. F. Weill (University of Oregon), Prof Robert Pepin (Lunar Science Institute)

U.S.S.R.'s Lunokhod 1 unmanned lunar rover explored lunar surface for six hours, testing navigation and steering techniques. Vehicle covered 553 m (1814 ft), bringing total distance traveled since landing Nov. 17, 1971, to 2930 m (9610 ft). Lunokhod 1 would be parked until Jan. 15 because high angle of sun during lunar noon made contrast range for TV pictures unacceptably low. (SBD, 1/14/71, 47)

Calibration had been completed at MSFC on new tube wind tunnel capable of test speeds up to twice speed of sound, Marshall Star reported. Tube was 130 cm (52 in) in diameter and was 119 m (390 ft) long. It would be used in wind-tunnel test program for space shuttle. (Marshall Star, 1/13/71, I)

NASA launched two Nike-Cajun sounding rockets. Rocket launched from WSMR carried MSC experiment to study atmospheric composition. Mission was partial success. Rocket launched from Churchill Research Range carried GSFC grenade experiment and functioned satisfactorily. (SR list)

Delivery of first operational automated radar terminal system (ARTS III) to new control tower at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was announced by Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe. Computer-based system would be operational by mid-1971. Components, when added to existing airport surveillance radars, would permit display of vital flight information on radar scopes used by air traffic controllers. Alpha-numeric data tags would be attached to related aircraft target or "blip." (FAA Release 71-5)

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