Mar 8 1993

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Launch of the Commercial Experiment Transporter (COMET), which was scheduled to lift off March 31, was postponed for at least two months. NASA contributed $85 million toward three launches of the COMET; the spacecraft was to carry 11 experiments from NASA's commercial space development centers. COMET was also serving as the first space billboard. Columbia Pictures paid $500,000 to advertise an upcoming Arnold Schwarzenegger movie on the rocket. (Space News, Mar 8-14; AP, 9/93, Mar 10/93)

NASA announced that it had awarded Government Technology Services Inc., of Chantilly, a contract to provide Unix work station products to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. (W Times, Mar 4/93)

NASA announced that an ER-2 aircraft, an updated version of the U-2 spy plane, would spend seven months next year researching the ozone hole over Antarctica. The study, part of a joint New Zealand-U.S. atmospheric study into ozone depletion, would explore the extent of the hole in the ozone layer. NASA research pilot Jim Barrilleaux was to fly the NASA-owned ER-2 air-craft. The work was scheduled to begin in late March 1994. (RTw, Mar 4/93)

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