May 25 1963

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Panel of scientists, headed by Dr. Norman F. Ramsey and convened by President's Science Advisory Committee and AEC's General Advisory Committee, recommended U.S. build atom accelerators with much greater energies than those now being used. For a "deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of matter," panel proposed: construction of proton accelerator with approximately 200-bev energy at Lawrence Radiation Labora­tory; beginning design studies at Brookhaven Laboratory on proton accelerator with proton energies from 600 to 1,600 bev; construction of "storage rings" to be used with existing Brook­haven accelerator. (Finney, NYT, 5/26/63, 1, 45)

Award of patent for manned orbital spacecraft designed to glide into land or water landing was reported in New York Times. Patent was obtained for NASA by Alan B. Kehlet, Den­nis F. Hasson, and William W. Petynia. (NYT, 5/25/63,13,18) )

West German scientists outlined plans for German space program at Third European Space Flight Symposium, Stuttgart. Pro­gram includes: communications satellite to be placed in polar orbit; high-energy rocket propulsion stage; space transport sys­tem; space probe rocket with paraglider landing system to allow recovery and reuse. (Wilcke, NYT, 5/26/63,13)

U.S.S.R. launched improved models of carrier rockets for spacecraft on 7,500-mi. flight into Central Pacific. (Tass; NYT, 5/29/63, 3)

May 26 1963