Jan 11 1963

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Analysis of radar observations of Planet Venus indicated Venusian surface is smoother than that of earth or the moon, it was reported. Observations were made Nov. 29 -Dec 7. 1962. by National Bureau of Standards radartelescope at Jicarmarca, Peru. (Wash. Post, 1/11/63,65)

Univ. of Pittsburgh’s Chancellor Edward H. Litchfield announced plans for $3O-million space research and coordination center. Center would be used for study in natural and social sciences and engineering and health areas connected with aerospace activities. (KJPI, Wash. Post, 1/12/63,1)

Dr. Knox Millsaps resigned as chief scientist of USAF OAR and executive director of AFOSR. (Av. Wk., 12/17/62,25)

Thor missiles being returned to US. from U.K. would be modified for use as space vehicles, USAF announced. Three of U.K.’s 60 operational Thors already had been returned to Douglas Aircraft Co. for conversion, so that they could be used in space assignments similar to those of conventional Thor space boosters (Wash. Post, 1/12/63)

USAF announced Titan II missile had been test-fired while locked in its 155-ft.-deep silo at Vandenberg AFB. Firing of “brief” duration was to test the missile’s resistance to noise and vibration. (AP, Wash. Eve. Star, 1/11/63)

Translation of article on Soviet VOSTOK III and IV by H. A. Vilter, East German engineer, was quoted. Of the Soviet vehicle used to place Vostok capsules in orbit, Vilter said: “The power of the six rockets of the initial stage was roughly 20 million horsepower” (or 880,000-lb. thrust)-about 2/3 power of first two Saturn vehicles, whose eight clustered engines developed 1.32-million-lb. thrust (30 million horsepower). Vilter’s article appeared in East Berlin publication Die Technik; abstract af his report was published by Dept. of Commerce’s Office of Technical Services. (Wash. Eve. Star, 1/11/63)

Lockheed Aircraft Corp. and IAM broke off contract negotiations indefinitely; still unresolved was dispute over “union shop.” (AP, Wash. Eve. Star, 1/12/63)

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