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Organization NationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration(UnitedStates)
Mission type Human Crew,Resupply/Refurbishment/Repair
Launch date November 24, 2002 (2002-11-24)
Launch vehicle Space Shuttle
Carrier rocket {$Carrier Rocket}
Launch site Cape Canaveral, United States
COSPAR ID 2002-052A
Mass {$Mass}
Experiments Here
Alternate Names 27556
Nominal Power {$Nominal Power}
Additional Information Here
Data Collection Here
Payload Mass Up 13706.20 kg

STS 113 was an American shuttle spacecraft. It was the 19th flight of the Endeavour orbiter and the 112th shuttle mission to be flown. It carried a crew of seven astronauts (six American and one Russian) and the main hardware, a 13.7 m truss of 12.5 tonne to the International Space Station (ISS). During several hours of EVA, the crew installed and secured the truss assembly which now has a total length of 40.8 m. The truss will provide structural support to the station's thermal control radiators, besides enabling a manually operated cart to move along it during EVAs. The total mass of the ISS is now about 200 tonnes. Prior to leaving the ISS, the shuttle deployed a pair of tethered (15 m long) picosatellites, called MEPSI. It left the ISS on 02 December 2002 and returned to Earth on 04 December 2002, leaving behind three of its astronauts for a long stay at the ISS and bringing back the rest of the crew and the three astronauts who had stayed in ISS for about six months.

Mission patch: