Aug 28 1963

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NASA launched Little Joe II booster rocket with dummy payload simulating size and weight of Apollo command module and escape tower in flight, test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The LJ-II attained 24,000-ft. altitude and mach 1.1 speed, im­pacted about 47,000 ft. downrange instead of planned 35,000 ft. Self destruct system did not respond to ground command signal. This was first launching of LJ-II and was a flight quali­fication test to verify performance of La-n before using it to test Apollo command module. 100 sec. of telemetry was recorded and five of the six test objectives were achieved. (NASA Release 63-193; A v. Wk., 9/2/63, 20)

Senate and House passed H.R. 7500, bill to authorize NASA approp­riations for FY 1964. Senate and House both adopted the con­ference committee's bill authorizing $5,350,820,400 total; of which $4,119,575,000 was for research and development, $713,060,400 for construction of facilities, and $518,185,000 for administrative operations. (CR,8/28/63,15298-303,15268-270)

Hughes Aircraft Co., prime contractor for SYNCOM II communica­tions satellite, announced the synchronous orbiting satellite had accumulated more message time than all other communications satellites combined. SYNCOM II was launched July 26, maneuvered into 24-hr. station Aug. 15. (Space Bus. Daily, 8/28/63, 306) )

House Resolution 504 to create a select committee to investigate expenditures for research programs conducted by or sponsored by departments and agencies of the Federal Government was reported to House floor from House Committee on Rules. (CR, 8/28/63,15297-98)

Portions of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, tele­cast by nationwide networks within U.S., were transmitted via TELSTAR a communications Satellite to Europe. (CBS-TV, 8/28/63; Wash. Post. 8/30/63, 5)

13 Security guards at NASA Wallops Station, Va., set up picket lines in Strike for higher wages. (AP, Wash. Eve,. Star, 8,/28/63)

USAF SAC crew conducted routine training launch of Atlas ICBM from Vandenberg AFB, Calif. (DOD Release 1188-63)

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