Aug 16 1964

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President Johnson announced he was sending a set of lunar photographs taken by RANGER VII to leaders of 110 nations. "The success of the Ranger 7 exploration has been greeted with enthusiasm and in-terest around the world. Men of all nations recognize this is one of the greatest extensions of human knowledge about the lunar surface to occur in many centuries. "The American people can be justly proud. We started behind in the space age. But we placed our trust in our open society and free system. Our achievements in peaceful exploration of space give us all cause to be proud, grateful and confident. - "More than 60 countries now work together voluntarily in this pur-suit. We continue to hope that the extent of such international coopera-tion will be enlarged and that all nations will join through the United Nations to place the peaceful realms of space off limits to the designs of aggressors on earth. am sure the American people will continue to support what is necessary to assure leadership. In return, they will rightfully expect that our program hold to the orderly and responsible course which has brought such outstanding success in such a short period." (Spivak, UPI, Wash. Post, 8/17/64)

Scientists at AF Cambridge Research Laboratories discovered definite relationship between phases of moon and cloudiness around the earth, OAR announced. Statistics covering 21,184 days from 1905 to 1962 indicated sunshine was slightly below seasonal averages for a few days following each new moon and slightly above average between last quarter and the new moon. (S.F. Chronicle, 8/17/64; SBD, 8/18/64, 241)

Analyzing the U.S- aerospace industry Richard Rutter said in New York Times: "There have been some reductions in employment here and there and some production cut-backs. On the whole, however, the aerospace-defense industry remains not only very healthy but still growing.. . . "Change, of course, has been the hallmark of the aerospace industry almost since its very beginning. This characteristic continues. At present, for instance, there is some shift in production and procurement from aircraft and missiles to space vehicles and related space projects. This is not yet a sharp trend, but it may be indicative of the industry's future course. . . ." (Rutter, NYT, 8/16/64, Fl)

USAF reported experiments to develop chemical to be spread on aircraft and spacecraft windows for protection of pilots' eyes against a nuclear ex-plosion's damaging flash showed promising results. (AP, NYT, 8/16/64, 92)

Stuart G. Tipton, head of Air Transport Association of America (ATA), was quoted as advocating development of U.S. supersonic transport "because in and of itself, this new transportation tool is good for the United States.... The advance here is speed and speed in transportation is good in itself. Time, after all, is our one irreplaceable resource.. "Every time that an airline or airliners have offered to the public a faster trip between two points, the results have been clear and positive. "When an airline ordered an aircraft which would cut the flying time from New York to Chicago from 10 hours to eight or five to two, that airline got the business.. . ." (Clark, NYT, 8/16/64, 94)

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