09. How will oxygen be produced for inter-galactic space hotels? Will machines with large turbines shoot pressurized oxygen into the chambers? (A K2S Question)

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Inside a space module, guests will breathe oxygen brought on board from Earth during the initial trip and then it will be replenished on subsequent missions. We also have the technology to make oxygen on board by splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen. Some of the water used will be brought from Earth; some will be produced on board by extracting moisture from the air; some will be obtained by treating wastewater; and some of it will come from extracting CO2 from the module atmosphere and letting it react with hydrogen (H2). In the future, growing plants in space will also help to produce oxygen.

Answer provided by Robert T. Bigelow

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer