18. When in space, how far can one see? (A K2S Question)

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Instruments can see farther than humans. There is no atmosphere to get in the way, which is why the Hubble Space Telescope gets such great pictures of distant star formations, and why it has been able to see the most distant galaxies ever recorded. Bigger space telescopes in the future will be able to see even further. For a human astronaut standing on the Moon, however, the brightness of the surface makes it hard to see the stars in the sky. The best combination uses both humans and instruments, and each generation sees a little farther. Humans ultimately will be able to see just as far as they decide they want to see. It takes only money and skill to do it.

Answer provided by Derek Webber

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer