Aug 14 1971

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Areas sounding rocket launched by NASA from Ft. Greely, Alaska, carried GSFC payload to obtain ozone measurements in con-junction with Nimbus 4 satellite overpass. Ozone payload and ground telemetry tracking equipment functioned satisfactorily. Payload was recovered and good data were collected. Launch was last in three-flight series that began Aug. 7. (NASA Rpt SRL)

Chicago Tribune editorial commented on Apollo 15 crew: "Out of all they saw, collected and recorded by camera they hope to make a significant contribution to science and the understanding of the uni- verse, and they hope from this to apply what they learned to the betterment of life on earth. If there is one regret, it is, as Scott said, that after the vista from this peak of experience, what comparable mountain remains to be searched?" (C Trib, 8/14/71)

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