Oct 21 1972

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President Nixon signed S. 3943, Senate version of H.R. 16645. Bill, for construction of civic center as memorial to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, carried rider that changed name of Jet Propulsion Laboratory to H. Allen Smith Jet Propulsion Laboratory, effective Jan. 4, 1973. Bill became Public Law 92-520. (PD, 10/30/72, 1548-9; PL 92-520)

NASA launched Nike-Tomahawk sounding rocket from Poker Flat Rocket Range, Alaska, carrying Univ. of Minnesota auroral studies experiment. Rocket performed satisfactorily, but scientific objectives were not met. (SR list)

President Nixon issued memorandum disapproving H.R. 56, bill to establish National Environmental Data System and create environmental centers in each state: "While both these titles sound desirable in theory, they would in reality lead to the duplication of information or would produce results unrelated to real needs and wasteful of talent, resources, and the taxpayers' money." (PD, 10/30/72, 1549)

October 21-23: Thirteenth annual Space Fair at Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu, Calif., featured exhibition of Apollo 12 moon rock, Apollo space capsule, aerospace equipment, and static display of aircraft. Fair was sponsored by naval commands and units at PMR and by Naval Construction Battalion Center at Port Hueneme, Calif. (PMR Release 933-72; PMR Missile, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 1)

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