Oct 24 1972

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Soviet news agency Tass announced opening of Soviet National Conference on Space Biology and Medicine at Kaluga, U.S.S.R. Conference would hear papers on use of "terrestrial" atmosphere in spacecraft cabins, food and water regeneration, and establishment of bacterial medium in which future cosmonauts could live and work on extended space missions. Conference also would discuss weightlessness, crew selection and training, radiobiological aspects of flight, and psychophysiology of space crew work. Soviet Academician Oleg Gazenko had presented paper on topical problems of space biology and medicine at opening session. (FBIS-SOV, 10/25/72, Ll )

NASA launched Black Brant VB sounding rocket from White Sands Missile Range, N. Mex., carrying Goddard Space Flight Center payload to test rocket configuration that would be used in support of Skylab mission. Rocket and instrumentation performed satisfactorily. (SR list)

Washington Evening Star and Daily News editorial commented on possible revival of U.S. supersonic transport aircraft program: "Last year the Senate shot down the supersonic transport program in a famous victory for environmentalism and good fiscal sense. We hoped that would end the noisy debate, at least for a few years. But new rumblings already are heard from the rubble of that costly, abortive endeavor, amid rumors that the Nixon administration may start revving up a new SST campaign after the election. We hope the President, assuming he wins the election, will let well enough alone. But the hints are fairly strong." (W Star & News, 10/24/72)

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