Aug 31 1973

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The third glide flight of the X-24B lifting body was completed successfully near Flight Research Center by NASA test pilot John A. Manke. Objectives were to evaluate stability and control, roll and damper-off handling qualities, effects of water and alcohol jettison, landing gear dynamics, and control system operations with only two hydraulic pumps. Manke reported an excellent flight and good response with damper off. Touchdown was five minutes after air-launch. (NASA prog off)

Proposals for developing space shuttle solid-fueled rocket motors (SRMs) had been received from Aerojet Solid Propulsion Co. Lockheed Propulsion Co., Thiokol Chemical Corp., and United Technology Center, Marshall Space Flight Center announced. The space shuttle motor pro-gram would be conducted in three increments: design, development, and test, ending in September 1979; production of new and refurbished SRMs for 54 flights (108 units) beginning early in 1978; and delivery of new and refurbished units for 385 flights (770 units) beginning in July 1980. (MSFC Release 73-125)

The Navy's Fleet Weather Facility (FWF) had said that satellite imagery from NASA-developed weather satellites was becoming "indispensable" to Arctic and Antarctic shipping operations, NASA reported. The location of ice masses from satellite photos might ultimately lead to extension of shipping operations through the entire six-month polar night. Weather satellite imagery was provided the Navy by Goddard Space Flight Center. (NASA Release 73-174)

NASA announced that it had issued three one-year grants averaging $20 000 each to predominantly black Central State Univ. in Ohio for studies of air and water pollution and the metallurgical properties of pure tungsten. (NASA Release 73-171)

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