Mar 6 1974

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Explorer 51 Atmosphere Explorer, launched into orbit 15 Dec. 1973, was moved in a series of maneuvers down to 139.8 km above the earth, its lowest perigee to date and its first successful excursion into the lower thermosphere. Thirteen of the fourteen experiments aboard the spacecraft performed as expected and worthwhile data were acquired, but both filaments of the closed-source neutral mass spectrometer had failed and that instrument could no longer provide data. Evidence indicated that oxidation, compounded by thermal stress, had weakened the filaments in the oxygen-rich environment. A failure review committee would study the anomaly and also evidence of further filament degradation in two other spectrometers. (NASA MOR, 19 March 74)

The Federal Aviation Administration issued an airworthiness directive ordering all DC-10 jumbo jet aircraft operators to make certain that cargo holds were locked and pressurized before the aircraft left the ground. Evidence had increased speculation that the 3 March crash of a DC-10 Turkish airliner had been caused by a faulty rear cargo door. In addition, operators were required to observe normal pressurization of aircraft during the initial flight period. If pressurization problems did occur, the aircraft was to be depressurized and brought down at the nearest suitable airport. (AP, B Sun, 7 March 74, A2)

Wind-tunnel tests of almost all supersonic portions of a typical NASA space shuttle flight were completed at Arnold Engineering Development Center. The simulated flight profile included separation of the orbiter and its fuel tank from the two large solid-fueled rocket motors, orbiter flight with and without fuel tank, and orbiter reentry into the earth's atmosphere. The tests, begun September 1973, showed orbiter flight characteristics and the heat levels segments of the system could be expected to experience while traveling 41/2 to 20 times the speed of sound. (AFSC News review, June 74, 8-9; AEDC proj off, interview, 27 March 75)

6-7, 12-13 March: NASA Acting Associate Administrator for Aeronautics and Space Technology Edwin C. Kilgore and other NASA officials testified on the FY 1975 NASA OAST budget in hearings before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics' Subcommittee on Aeronautics and Space Technology. Kilgore testified 6 March that in FY 1975 OAST would modify its "program again to meet the changing needs of the Nation." Energy conservation "is an inherent part of our aeronautics and space research and I believe we have the capability also to provide significant support to civil needs for energy technology. At the same time, we must continue our effective response to the Nation's need for a quiet, clean, economical air transportation system, for support to military aviation, and for a viable program to exploit and explore space." Much of the aeronautics program [see 26 Feb.] already was "contributing to aircraft fuel conservation." Advanced avionics systems to relieve terminal congestion, more highly maneuverable aircraft and operational procedures, more efficient engines, composite materials for weight reduction, and aerodynamic drag reduction techniques-"all contribute to fuel economy." And the program was being examined to increase emphasis in areas related to the national energy problem, both in conservation and in long-term technology.

For space exploration, propellants with more powerful liquified-gas oxidizers-storable in cold space conditions-offered up to 30% increase in payloads over those permitted by earth-storable propellants. Nuclear energy studies included investigation of low-temperature thermionic converters, gaseous uranium reactor concepts, and use of heat from high-temperature reactor sources for industry use. In stationary power, NASA was working with the Dept. of Interior's Office of Coal Research to in-crease power produced from coal 40%. [See also During March.]

George W. Cherry, Deputy. Associate Administrator for Programs, OAST, said 12 March that research and development on shuttle systems had contributed to substantial improvements in both high- and low-temperature reusable insulations, coatings, bearings, seals, and hydraulic fluids, all applicable on the earth. The requirement that a reusable space tug return to the shuttle for return to the earth had doubled the velocity requirement of the vehicle, speeding the development of a high-performance propulsion system. (Transcript)

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