Apr 19 1974

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Pioneer 11, launched 5 April 1973 toward a December 1974 en-counter with Jupiter, was retargeted to pass within 42 000 km of Jupiter and then, with a gravity assist from the planet, fly on to Saturn in 1979. Ground controllers at Ames Research Center commanded the spacecraft's onboard thrusters to fire for 42 min 36 sec, increasing velocity 230 km per hr. On its new course, Pioneer 11 would pass Jupiter nearer the south polar region, intersecting the planet's equatorial plane at 55°, and come three times closer than Pioneer 10 had during its 3 Dec. 1973 encounter. (NASA MOR, 5 Nov 74; NASA Release 74-94; ARC Release 74-10)

The Saturn IB 1st stage for the U.S.S.R.-U.S. Apollo Soyuz Test Project launch in 1975 left Michoud Assembly Facility for Kennedy Space Center on the ocean-going barge Orion. The stage would be stored in the Vehicle Assembly Building until December, when the launch vehicle would be assembled on its mobile launcher. (KSC Release 70-74)

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