Aug 14 1974

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The NASA Delta Project Review Committee, established 31 May to review Thor-Delta launch vehicle project management and launch vehicle performance abnormalities, had completed its investigation, NASA announced. The committee recommended several design and hardware changes, more stringent quality control, strengthening of project management by additional staffing, and more rigorous management and contractual procedures.

The committee endorsed the ongoing redesign of the 1st-stage liquid-oxygen pressurization system and 2nd-stage fuel and oxidizer shutoff valves,, revision of the redundant attitude-control-system manufacturing sequence and inspection processes, revision of installation and inspection procedures for the solid-fueled-rocket strap-ons, and a complete investigation of the start-induced forces on the the 1st-stage engine. The schedule for the next Delta launching would be established upon NASA Hq. acceptance of the plan for corrective actions in response to the committee's recommendations. (NASA Release 74-220)

NASA objectives for Explorer 50 (IMP-J, launched 25 Oct. 1973) -to make detailed and nearly continuous studies of the interplanetary environment for orbital periods comparable to several rotations of active solar regions and to study particle and field interactions in the distant magnetotail-had been met and the mission was adjudged successful. All 12 instruments were performing well with the exception of an electronic field antenna. Loss of this antenna reduced scientific data 10% for two investigators. All spacecraft housekeeping systems were functioning properly. (NASA MOR, 15 Aug 74)

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