Sep 2 1966

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Space News for this day. (2MB PDF)

Tape recorder for Advanced Vidicon Camera System on NASA’s NIMBUS II meteorological satellite had failed, but camera could still transmit cloud-cover photos when within range of North American receiving stations. Launched from WTR, NIMBUS II had successfully passed its final test objective of two months of continuous operation July 15. Automatic Picture Transmission (Apt) camera system and High Resolution Infrared Radiation (HRIR) system were still operating. ‘‘(NASA Release 66-243)’’

Data from onboard cameras and other recovered instruments had confirmed success of NASA’s first high-altitude experiment to investigate parachute designs and techniques that might be used to land instrumented capsules on Mars. Launched aboard a balloon Aug. 30 from Walker AFB, experiment had “provided a solid data base with which we can compare and correlate the results of later flight tests involving parachutes and flight units of different sizes and shapes,” Project Manager John C. McFall reported. ‘‘(NASA Release 66-241)’’

Eight Government agencies, headed by FAA, formed Inter-Agency Bird Hazard Committee to exchange and consolidate data in an effort to develop methods for reducing danger of collisions between birds and aircraft: Dept. of the Interior; USN; HEW; CAB; NASA; USA; and USAF. Since 1961, FAA had spent more than $500,000 for research on bird habitats, migration, and preventive and corrective methods to reduce collisions-which had averaged 300 per year. ‘‘(FAA Release 66-84)’’

NASA Langley Research Center had invited four aircraft manufacturers Boeing Co., Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Douglas Aircraft Co., and General Dynamics Corp.-to submit by Sept. 30 proposals for a research program to reduce noise generated by commercial jet transports. ‘‘(NASA Release 66-242)’’

New Eastman Kodak film processing system for fast reaction, high quality aerial reconnaissance photography that simultaneously developed a negative and a high-resolution positive transparency in 30 sec., had been demonstrated by USAF at Wright-Patterson AFB. ‘‘(AFSC Release 142.66)’’

H.S. Becker, former North American Aviation, Inc., executive, had been appointed Deputy Director of MSFC’s Advanced Systems Office. ‘‘(MSFC Release 66-199)’’

North American Aviation, Inc., was awarded a $1,550,000 initial increment to a $5,671,000 USAF contract for development work on vertical takeoff and landing (Vtol) aircraft. Contract would be managed by AFSC’s Systems Engineering Group. ‘‘(DOD Release 760-66)’’

M2-F2 lifting body vehicle, piloted by NASA research pilot Milton O. Thompson, was launched from B-52 bomber at 45,000-ft. altitude in fifth glide flight at Edwards AFB. Purposes of flight were evaluation of a 360° overhead approach using visual cues only and determination of control damper-off handling qualities. (NASA Proj. Off.)’’

September 2-3: Three NASA Nike-Apache sounding rockets were launched from Churchill Research Range in GSFC experiment to measure intensity and energy spectra of low-energy protons, helium nuclei, and heavier nuclei present during a Polar Cap Absorption event. Rockets and instrumentation-except for solid-state detectors on first flight performed satisfactorily. ‘‘(NASA Rpt. SRL)’’

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