Jan 15 1975

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President Ford signed Executive Order 11834 establishing the Energy Research and Development Administration-under Administrator Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Jr.-and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission-under Chairman William A. Anders-effective 19 Jan. Establishment of the two new agencies was provided for in the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, signed into law on 11 Oct. 1974 by President Ford, which abolished the Atomic Energy Commission and reassigned its responsibilities. ERDA would take over AEC's research and development programs including the development of fossil, nuclear, solar, and geothermal energy to meet present and future needs. ERDA would also take the lead in energy R&D programs transferred from the Dept. of the Interior, National Science Foundation, and Environmental Protection Agency. NRC was assigned AEC's licensing and regulatory responsibilities. (PD, 20 Jan 75, 54; ERDA Release 75-1; ERDA Fact Sheet)

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