Sep 19 1977

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MSFC announced it would sponsor a data-management symposium Oct. 18-19 jointly with the Univ. of Ala. in Huntsville (UAH) to discuss use of space-acquired or remotely sensed data in the 1980s. MSFC deputy director Richard G. Smith would chair the session; Daniel J. Fink of General Electric's Space Division would deliver the keynote address. Representatives of NASA and other government agencies, industry, and universities would deliver 31 papers during the meeting. Leonard B. Jaffe, NASA deputy associate administrator for applications, would speak at a banquet Oct. 18. (MSFC Release 77-172)

ESA announced that the U.S. delegation to an Aerosat Council meeting in Washington, D.C., Sept. 15-16, had notified it that lack of funds would prevent the Federal Aviation Administration from proceeding with the program as contemplated. The Aerosat memorandum of understanding had provided that ESA, the government of Canada, and a U.S. company (ComSatCorp was selected in 1974) would proceed with development, production, launch, and operation of the satellite, with ESA and the FAA (leasing from the U.S. firm) using the comsat capability in equal portions. (ESA Release Sept 19/77)

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