Jun 11 1978

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The Washington Post reported that the USAF had launched on June 10 from Cape Canaveral a Titan IIIC rocket carrying a classified satellite cargo under unusually tight security; the rocket had operated in a normal Titan flight pattern. A USAF statement said only that a USAF industry team had participated, but not whether or not the launch had been successful. The Post said the security measures-with guard dogs and USAF combat personnel supplementing the usual guard force-had been heavier than for any previous launch at the Cape. Workers at the launch pad did not know what the payload was, and received passes only to the specific areas of their assigned duties. A Titan IIIC, which could lift up to 10 tons into space, had been used several times to launch military intelligence satellites; it could also lift a series of satellites and drop each in various orbits. The most recent classified launch from the Cape had been on April 6, making this the shortest interval between classified missions in more than I1 yr. (W Post, June 11/78, A9)

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