Dec 14 1983

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Three U.S. biomedical experiments were flying aboard a Soviet spacecraft, Cosmos 1514, launched today. In an announcement following the launch, Moscow said only that "scientific experimental systems with various biological objects" were aboard and made no reference to foreign collaboration. However, NASA Administrator James M. Beggs disclosed that NASA had provided three pieces of medical equipment that the Soviets incorporated in the scientific payload of Cosmos 1514. Later, NASA said that the experiments had to do with blood system and biorhythm studies in monkeys and fetal development studies in rats. Beggs said that talks that paved the way for the Cosmos 1514 experiments were held "about five years ago" Cosmos 1514 was recovered on December 19, 1983, and in May 1984 TASS reported that the rats on the flight were developing normally and that Soviet scientists believed the weightlessness did not affect the normal development of embryos. (GSFC SSR; FBIS, USSR, May 9/84; W Post, Dec 17/83, A-15)

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