Feb 19 1986

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Boeing Aerospace was selected to supply NASA with Shuttle upper stages to place two Tracking and Data Relay Satellites into geosynchronous Earth orbits. Engineering support and integration of the upper stages with the satellites were also to be provided. The contract was expected to run from March 1986 through April 1990 at a price of approximately $93 million. (NASA Release 86-14)

The Presidential Commission's investigation of the Challenger accident, said the Chicago Tribune, had nearly concluded that cold weather led to reduced elasticity of the rubber seal in the rocket booster and the subsequent leak of gasses. Engineers from Morton Thiokol, the rocket booster manufacturer, objected to the cold weather launch, but officials higher up in that company gave NASA the go-ahead. (NY Times, Feb 20/86; C Trib, Feb 20/86; W Post, Feb 20/86)

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