Jun 7 1988

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A Soviet Proton launch vehicle, carrying a Soyuz TM-5 spacecraft with a three-man Soviet-Bulgarian crew, took off from the Baikonur launch facility. The Soyuz TM-5 crew was to join a two-man crew aboard the Mir space station. The launch, which occurred at 10:04 a.m. EDT, was the first Soviet crew-tended launch in 1988. The Mir visit was to be a 10-day mission in which the visiting astronauts would perform over 40 experiments aboard the station. The two astronauts aboard Mir were to remain after the departure of their colleagues and continue a year-long endurance mission that was expected to break the record established by Yuri V. Romanenko in 1987. (FBIS-Sov-88-110, Jun 8/88; SSR 1988 048B; NY Times, Jun 8/88; B Sun, Jun 8/88)

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