Apr 20 1989
From The Space Library
President George Bush reestablished the National Space Council, an executive space policy advisory group to be chaired by the Vice President.
The Space Council was originally created by President John F. Kennedy and disbanded in 1973 by President Richard Nixon. President Bush restored the Space Council as an official forum for setting long-range policy for United States civil, military, and commercial space efforts. (WH Release, Apr 20/89; UPI, May 12/89)
NASA announced that Martin Marietta Corporation of Bethesda, Maryland, had won a $297 million contract to develop the Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS), a space robot that would help construct and maintain the Space Station Freedom. Development of the robot was expected to take nine years and would include flight testing of a prototype aboard the Space Shuttle. Once deployed during an early Space Station construction mission, the mobile robot would be controlled remotely by astronauts from within the station, thereby minimizing the amount of "spacewalk" activity that astronauts would need to perform. (W Times, Apr 21/89; B Sun, Apr 21/89)
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