Feb 27 1993

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NASA announced that it had notified all its contractors to discontinue all overtime on Space Station work and said that it would "restrict new spending." (W Times, Feb 27/93)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director Edward Stone announced that the laboratory expected to eliminate 1,000 of its 7,500 jobs in five years. The cuts resulted from the "realities of the Federal budget" and the drop in aerospace work from defense contractors, according to Stone. (W Times, Feb 27/93)

NASA announced that a German-chartered Space Shuttle mission was scheduled for launch March 14 after a delay of more than two weeks. NASA said the delay was caused by a false alarm with the Space Shuttle Columbia's main engines, which were suspected of containing outdated parts. (W Times, Feb 27/93)

The New York Times reported that an Orion rocket being prepared for launch at the European Space Range in Kiruna, Sweden, ignited while on its flatbed and shot through two buildings, killing a technician and injuring three others. The 20-foot rocket was to have measured the Earth's ozone layer, using equipment from a German Space organization. (NY Times, Mar 1/93; RT, Feb 27/93)

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