May 11 1993

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NASA announced that the Agency would design and install an acoustic lining in the wind tunnel at NASA's Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California. The improved wind tunnel ultimately would help U.S. industry design quiet engines for a future high-speed civil transport and for new helicopters. (NASA Release 93-81; San Francisco Examiner, May 9/93)

NASA announced that it and the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) had signed an agreement that would allow the two organizations to propose joint research projects. The NCMS is a non-profit research consortium created by U.S. industries to conduct, sponsor, fund, and other-wise promote development of technologies or scientific applications that would improve manufacturing in the United States and Canada. (NASA Release 93-82)

The LA Times announced that Russian space officials had signed a contract in late April for the first commercial launch of a Western-built satellite by a Russian rocket. The agreement was signed with INMARSAT, a 67-country consortium that puts up satellites for mobile communications. (LA Times, May 11/93)

The NY Times reported that after examining the problem for more than a year, a supercomputer had concluded that the Theory of Quantum Chromodynamics was probably correct. The theory accounts for the relation-ships between fundamental particles called hadrons. (NY Times, May 11/93)

European space officials in Paris announced that Western Europe's Ariane rocket had deployed a U.S.-built television satellite on Wednesday after a launch from French Guyana. (RTW, May 11/93)

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