Oct 7 1993

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U.S. space pioneer William H. Pickering was the first recipient of the $250,000 Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Aerospace Prize, the largest of its kind. As director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Pickering prepared the first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, for launch in just 83 days following the launch of the Soviet Sputnik 1 in 1957. (W Post, Oct 7/93)

NASA reported that an explosive designed to free a satellite aboard Space Shuttle Discovery accidentally detonated while the Shuttle was in orbit last month, hurling shrapnel though the cargo compartment. The five astronauts were never in any danger, a NASA official said. The damage would not delay Discovery's next flight in January. (RTW, Oct 7/93; AP, Oct 8/93; Fla Today, Oct 11/93, Oct 14/93)

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