Jul 6 1994

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The pressure on California's space firms to adapt to a new mission, survival, in view of congressional budget cutting and constant funding problems was highlighted. The role of commercial firms in the space industry as opposed to NASA was raised as was the fact that the space program no longer revolved around competition with the Soviet Union. (LA Times, Jul 6/94)

NASA announced that astronaut Richard O. Covey would leave NASA as of July 11 and would retire from the Air Force on August 1. He was scheduled to become director of Business Development at Calspan Services Contracts Division, a part of Space Industries, Inc. (NASA Release 94-110)

NASA announced its selection of Brown & Root Services Corporation, Houston, as a contractor to provide minor construction, modification, and rehabilitation to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. (NASA Release C94-y)

NASA announced that an international team of astronomers had used the European Space Agency's Faint Object Camera on the Hubble Space Telescope to confirm a prediction of the Big Bang theory-that helium should be widespread in the early universe. The July 7 issue of the British science journal Nature reported the way in which the helium was detected. (NASA Release 94-109)

NASA announced that it would negotiate contracts with 15 small companies to enable them to fully develop innovative new high technology products they had proposed for application in the aerospace industry. The contracts would be financed under NASA's Small Business Technology Transfer Program. (NASA Release 94-111)

NASA announced members of the crew for the second Wake Shield Facility Shuttle flight aboard Endeavour, scheduled for mid-1995, under the command of David M. Walker. (NASA Release 94-112)

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