Jul 16 1994

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An article discussed finding other planetary systems as an inspiring new challenge for astronomy and pointed out NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin's proposal that NASA's core mission might be the search for a habit-able planet. Mention was made of Proxima Centauri, the nearest neighbor of a bigger, hotter, brighter star: the Sun, which made it an easy star around which to look for planets. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was used to study Proxima Centauri and recently the Hubble discovered discs in the Orion nebula, which might produce planetary systems. Although the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (SETI) was eliminated by Congress, SETI continued with private money and became Project Phoenix, scheduled to be connected with the Parkes radio telescope in Australia in early 1995 and to listen for faint radio signals from hundreds of stars. (Economist, Jul 16/94)

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