Nov 2 1994

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NASA announced that the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-8 had successfully completed basic engineering testing and was beginning to provide more precise data for improved weather forecasting. The older GOES-7 was to be shifted further west to cover storms approaching from the Pacific. (NASA Release N94-77; W Post, Nov 8/94; W Times, Nov 9/94)

In order to carry out a complex docking experiment that involved detaching the Soyuz spacecraft from Mir and then redocking using automatic systems, the three cosmonauts aboard the Russian Space Station would remain in space an additional day. The operation was carried out successfully on November 2. On November 4, the German scientist and two cosmonauts returned to Earth. (Reuters, Nov 2/94; Phoenix Gazette, Nov 4/94; AP, Nov 4/94; UP, Nov 4/94)

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took new images of the planet Uranus that revealed the planet's rings, at least five of the inner moons, and bright clouds and a high altitude haze above the planet's south pole. (NASA Release N94-78)

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