Mar 17 1998

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At the request of the United States, Israeli officials arrested Ehud Tenenbaum, the eighteen-year-old computer hacker who called himself The Analyzer, along with two other Israeli teenagers. Tenenbaum was ringleader of a group called Israeli Internet Underground. Prosecutors accused the teenage hackers of breaking into U.S. government and military computer systems, including NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), as well as into Israeli government computers and commercial and educational computer systems in the United States. The FBI said that all three had admitted their involvement, stating that they had worked in tandem with two juveniles in Cloverdale, California.

A Progress cargo spacecraft delivering supplies to Mir veered off course while in automatic mode, forcing the space station's crew to perform a manual docking. Mission Control ordered Commander Talgat A. Musabayev to perform the docking when the two craft were only 65 feet (20 meters apart. Musabayev steered the cargo craft smoothly and avoided repeating last June's collision.

Director General of the Russian Space Agency Yuri N. Koptev responded to U.S. criticism of Russian delays in constructing components of the ISS, "NASA [is] trying to `concentrate attention entirely on Russia's difficulties' even though [NASA is] `three months behind' in constructing a laboratory module." Koptev stated that the Russian Space Agency had only received one-fifth of the US$ 100 million President Boris N. Yeltsin had allocated for construction of the service module, leading to a seven-month delay in the program. In an effort to improve the Russian Space Agency's financial situation, Vice President Albert A. Gore Jr. and Prime Minister Viktor S. Chernomyrdin discussed the possibility of Russia's launching more foreign commercial satellites, with the condition that Russia would "keep its promise to stop assisting Iran's weapons program.

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