Oct 7 1998

From The Space Library

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U.S. Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-WI) convened a hearing before the House Committee on Science and Technology to discuss NASA's request for an additional US$60 million to purchase hardware from Russia for the ISS, over and above the US$1.2 billion in space-related funds already paid to Russia. NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin indicated that the additional funding was essential and that, without it, the program would risk termination. Sensenbrenner refused to support approval of the funding without a detailed explanation from U.S. Department of State and White House officials of why the program needed additional funds. Sensenbrenner had asked Jacob Lew of the Office of Management and Budget and Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott to speak at the hearing, but both failed to appear. Sensenbrenner said he could not "go along with NASA's request to start bailing out the Russian space program," stating that he had seen no convincing evidence that either NASA, or the White House, or Russia, "would make good use of the money."

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