Nov 14 2001

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President George W. Bush nominated Sean O’Keefe to succeed Daniel S. Goldin as NASA’s Administrator. At the time of his nomination, O’Keefe was Deputy Director of OMB and had previously served as Secretary of the Navy for former President George H. W. Bush. Major newspapers emphasized that O’Keefe had received the nomination because of his experience in financial management and that, during his tenure at OMB, O’Keefe had worked on a task force that had recommended scaling back the ISS because of NASA’s inability to manage the project within budget. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, O’Keefe, who was 45 years old at the time of the nomination, would be the youngest person to serve as NASA Administrator. (Mark Carreau and Karen Masterson, “Bush Names ‘Key Advisor’ To Lead NASA,” Houston Chronicle, 15 November 2001; Kristen Mack and Mark Carreau, “Senate Approves O’Keefe as NASA Administrator, Hammond as NEA Head,” Houston Chronicle, 21 December 2001.)

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