Jul 12 1963

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Dummy S-IV stage for Saturn I rocket. arrived at Cape Canaveral from Douglas Aircraft CO. via converted Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, marking first use Of aircraft for transporting major NASA rocket components from West Coast. (UPI, NYT, 7/14/63, 64)

Columbia Univ. School of Journalism announced $131,000 award from NASA to evaluate NASA's dissemination of space news and to study problems and competence of news media in reporting and interpreting space news, to determine whether better ways can be found to improve public understanding of space sciences and space exploration. Study would take 3 years, with comparable funds expected for the second and third years. Commenting on the grant, Sen. Clinton P. Anderson, Chairman of Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, said "It seems a strange expenditure, especially when we are des­perately trying to maintain their budget . . . ." Rep. George P. Miller, Chairman of House Committee on Science and Astronautics, said: "It sounds like the agency is carrying out the Space Act by trying to find ways of better in­terpreting to the public the great technological developments in space." Unnamed NASA spokesman said the grant was "a legitimate study fulfilling our Congressional mandate to keep the public in­formed." (Toth, NYT, 7/13/63,21)

NASA announced signing $35,200,018 contract with International Business Machine Corp. for computer complex design, equipment, and associated services for Integrated Mission Control Center at NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. (NASA Release 63-151)

USAF launched unidentified satellite using Atlas-Agena D launch vehicle from Pt. Arguello, Calif. This was the 100th launch of an Agena space vehicle, the first having been launched on Feb­ruary 28, 1959. (UPI, Wash. Post, 7/13/63; M&R, 7/22/63, 11; A-N-AF Journal and Register, January 1964; CR, 2/18/64, 2909)

U.S. Army announced Nike-Zeus antimissile missile fired from Kwajalein Island had successfully intercepted target from Atlas ICBM fired from California 5,000 mi. over Pacific Ocean. (DOD Release 988-63)

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